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"I got the drinks!" Y/N called as she exited the pink palace, holding a tray of freshly squeezed lemonade.

"Thank you, dear," Her mama thanked as she grabbed two glasses, one for her and one for her wife.

Y/N continued walking, and stopped in front of the two actresses from downstairs. "Good afternoon, Miss Spink, Miss Forcible. Would you like some lemonade?"

"Why, thank you!" Miss Spink beamed. "We'd love some" She grabbed a glass, and her partner followed after.

"How's Fergus?" Y/N asked curiously, worrying for the dog who had been sick the last time she had seen him.

Miss Spink sighed. "He passed away last night."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Y/N sympathetically mourned. "But, remember what you said; death can mean new opportunity. And it appears you were right."

"How so?" Miss Forcible asked.

"My mom's pregnant!" Y/N answered.

"Oh, that's wonderful news!" Miss Spink smiled. "How far along is she?"

"Not too long," Y/N answered. "We just found out that the donor worked! I'm gonna have a younger sibling, finally! Being the only child got lonely."

"I can imagine," Miss Spink nodded.

Y/N continued along her path, stopping at Mr. Bobinsky. "How's the circus coming along, Mr. Bob?"

"Excellent," He answered, taking a glass from Y/N's tray. "You must come see when finished."

"Will do!" Y/N said. "Coraline and Wybie can come along too."

"Ah, I see you made your story," Mr. Bobinsky pointed out. "Finally took control. You got your happily-ever-after, yes?"

Y/N looked around. At all of the people she loved and cared about. She smiled proudly. "Yes, I suppose I did. Thank you, Mr. Bobinsky."

"Don't thank me now," Mr. Bobinsky held his hand up. "Thank me at mice circus."

"I definitely will," Y/N giggled. She turned to look at Coraline and Wybie, who were impatiently waiting for her, amusing Y/N slightly. Although, she grew nervous when she saw Coraline's parents and Wybie's grandma standing behind the two teenagers.

Y/N gulped before making her way over to her girlfriend and boyfriend. She tried to convince herself to stay calm. The weather was nice and the Beldam business was over with, what better time to meet your partners parents?

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. And Ms. Lovat" Y/N greeted. "Lemonade?"

The three adults took a glass, and simultaneously took a sip. Y/N knew she was tense, but she still couldn't bring herself to calm down. The adults nodded in approval before beginning a conversation with each other about gardening and their distaste towards dirt.

Coraline and Wybie gently pulled Y/N away from the boring conversation. Y/N let out a sigh of relief and felt the tension leave the air. Coraline and Wybie took a glass of lemonade, chuckling a bit at Y/N's nervousness.

Y/N placed the tray on a nearby table and helped herself to a drink. The lemonade proved to be just as good as everyone was making it out to be, and it was just what she needed on a hot day like that.

"That was so nerve-racking," Y/N said, shaking her head as she finished sipping the sour fruit drink.

"You're just freaking yourself out," Coraline shrugged. "It doesn't take a lot to impress my parents, they're so dull." Coraline stuck her tongue out, playfully, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now