7. School Bus

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(Hey, guys! I'm sorry for the long wait! I've been really busy with school and have been having some writer's block! But, I'm back for the time being and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, happy Halloween)

I stared down at the uniform in my hands and then back up at Mama. She laughed sheepishly, knowing how mundane and dull it looked. I raised an eyebrow and she let out a sigh. Mom walked in and got an eyeful of the uniform as well.

"Oh god," She exclaimed. Then realized and quickly corrected herself. "I mean, it looks great!"

"Don't lie, Mom" I said

"Well, maybe they're just trying to stay professional" Mama suggested.

"The whole school's gonna be wearing these boring grey clothes...My old school didn't even have uniforms" I said in disappointment.

"At least you'll have your friends" Mom said, trying to stay optimistic. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna get changed so I'm not late" I said. They turned and left, closing the door on their way out. I quickly changed into it, then looked in the mirror. Boring, just like I expected.

 Boring, just like I expected

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"Not what I had hoped, but maybe the school would be better" I spoke to myself

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"Not what I had hoped, but maybe the school would be better" I spoke to myself. I slipped on my shoes and walked into the kitchen. There was a plate with pancakes and bacon, accompanied by some orange juice. "Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Mama"

"Oh, see! The uniform doesn't look too bad" Mama said with a smile.

"Yeah. I mean, it's a little gloomy, but I like the tie. Makes me look snazzy" I stated with a smile as I sat down in my seat. I quickly ate my food, and picked up my bag. I hugged my parents and opened the door to leave.

"Oh! Wybie, Coraline. Hi" I said in surprise when I saw them sitting on the steps, leading up to our porch. 

"Hey! Are you ready for school?" Wybie asked. 

"Uh, yeah. I was just surprised to see you all here, that's all" I explained with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to startle you. It's just been awhile since we've had a new friend" Coraline said. 

"You guys don't have any at school?" I asked.

"Not really...they aren't exactly, appealing" Coraline told. 

"Are they just as boring as these uniforms?" I jokingly asked. 

"Yeah, but the uniform looks pretty good on you, if I'm being honest" Coraline stated flirtasiously as she nudged my side. My cheeks grew hot and I wasn't sure what to say. Instead I followed her as she began to walk to the bus stop, not realizing how pissed the comment had made Wybie.

As we sat waiting for the bus, I found myself growing cold despite the light jacket that the uniform provided. It was foggy and I could only see Coraline and Wybie because they were standing right next to me. 

"A-are you cold?" Wybie asked.  

"Oh no, I'm fine" I denied. "Just first day jitters"

"A-are you sure?"

"She's fine, Wyborne" Coraline affirmed. I was surprised by the harsh tone of her voice. 

"Hey, the bus is here" I said, trying to change the tense conversation. The doors of the bus opened and we got on. Coraline suggested that we get the last seat, apparently they always sat in that one.

"I'm surprised there was enough room for all three of us to sit in one seat" I said. Coraline was in the spot by the window, I was in the middle, and Wybie was sitting next to the aisle. "What is the school like?"

"Just a bunch of idiots who think it's funny to clown around in class and think they're popular, but in reality the only reason everyone knows who they are is because of how loud they are" Coraline replied, harshly.

"Great, I'm gonna have a headache by the end of the day" I muttered.

"Y-you get used to it," Wybie began. "If you keep your h-head down and don't talk to them, they'll get b-bored and find some other quiet kid to mess with" 

"Ah, loud kids 101" I said with a laugh. I jumped when a piece of paper was thrown into our seat. "The hell?" Coraline picked up the paper in annoyance and accurately threw it into a specific seat. 

"No one wants your homework, asshole!" She insulted. 

Wow, she's really cool.

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now