19. To Hell And Back

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"Should we take it with us?" Y/N asked the two teens, standing next to her. The girl's closet was open and the three of them were staring at Y/N's doppelganger, the button-eyed doll.

"No," Coraline decided. "The doll is her spy. It's how she finds out what's wrong with your life, so she can make her world seem like paradise. If we bring it, she will know exactly where we are in the other world. It'll make it more difficult."

"Should we burn it?" Wybie asked.

"I don't know," Coraline sighed. "That's what I did last time and it somehow came back."

"Maybe, the other mother made another one." Y/N suggested.

"That's why we need to make sure the Beldam will be gone for good this time," Coraline said. She shook her head. "I just don't understand what went wrong last time."

"Maybe..." Wybie began. "We gave her hand and the key back to her."

"What?" Coraline and Y/N asked in unison.

"We threw the hand and the key into the well. What if that's a portal to the other world?" Wybie explained.

Coraline pondered that thought. It made sense. The well was so far down. And there were lots of superstitions around it. So, it wouldn't be impossible and it could very likely be true.

"So, how do we get rid of the Beldam?" Y/N asked. "I don't want anyone else to go through this."

"I have no clue," Coraline admitted, falling back onto the bed. "We were only eleven, at the time, and we had no idea what we were dealing with. Clearly, defeating her won't be as easy as we once thought."

"What if we...burned her?" Y/N suggested. Coraline and Wybie immediately looked over at her, surprise written across their prominent features. "All right, don't look at me like that."

"No, it's just, we didn't expect it" Coraline said. "You've never said anything like that."

"Well, I'm getting sick of this creature manipulating people and taking the ones I love," Y/N stated, her hatred for the Beldam shining through, without shame. "So, I'm ready to kill this bitch."

Coraline and Wybie felt their heart rates speed up, as heat grew inside their bodies. Y/N's confidence and determination had proved to be a major turn-on for the two lovesick teens.

Coraline enjoyed the feeling, and took her time analyzing Y/N's dazzling appearance. Wybie, on the other hand, was surprised. He had never felt something like...that before. He knew he loved Y/N, but he didn't know he loved her that much.

"I say, we burn the doll too," Y/N added. When she got no response she turned to look at her friends and became embarrassed by their intense gaze. Her cheeks heated up and her powerful posture stuttered. She rubbed the back of her neck and laughed awkwardly. "Why are you guys staring at me?"

"Just admiring the view," Coraline answered. Y/N grew flustered and quickly grabbed the doll, hoping to change the subject.

"Um... let's go commit arson, I guess," Y/N said before walking out of the room. Coraline climbed off the bed and followed Y/N, with Wybie trailing behind.

Y/N had frozen in her tracks once she reached the kitchen. Coraline almost bumped into her and Wybie did bump into Coraline. Coraline furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "N/N, what's wr- Oh my God."

Wybie gasped in shock at what lied on the table in front of them. And Coraline just couldn't believe Y/N would have to deal with the same pain she went through when the other mother took her parents.

On the table, there was a doll. Just like the Y/N doll. But this one...this one was worse in Y/N's eyes. She hesitantly took a step towards the table and reached her hand out. She found herself flinching when her hand made contact with the monstrosity. But, she pushed through her fear, and picked it up anyway. She examined it.

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now