16. I hope

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*3rd person p.o.v*

"What were you doing out there, honey?" Y/N's mom asked as her daughter pushed open the front door and entered the kitchen. 

"I was visiting the neighbors," Y/N answered. 

"Coraline?" Mama questioned. 

Y/N cringed slightly. She had forgotten they lived in the same apartment building. "No. She isn't home yet. Mr. Bobinsky and the actresses downstairs."

The parents gave each other looks. They had easily noticed the way she recoiled at the mention of the blue-haired girl. Mama decided to speak up. "Is everything all right with you two?"

Y/N clenched her fists and pressed her lips together in a thin line. She faked a smile. "Everything's great. I'm gonna go take a nap."

Y/N tried walking away but was immediately stopped. "Hold it," She turned to face her parents, who were now standing up, emphasizing how much taller they were than her. 

"Yes?" Y/N spoke. "Am...Am I in trouble?"

Her mom sighed. "No, sweetie. We're just worried about you."

"Why would you be worried?" Y/N asked. 

"You tell us," Mama stated. 

"There's nothing to tell, Mama," Y/N lied. "I'm just tired and my headache is...really bad."

"You can tell us, anything," Mom said. "We mean that. We just want to know that you're safe."

Y/N hesitated. She felt awful for lying to them, they would never do this to her. Was she a bad daughter? Her parents always told her everything, and she would do the same. But, ever since Coraline and Wybie things have changed. 

"I'm..." Y/N trailed off as a thought entered her mind. If she continued with the lie she was about to tell, she'd be just as bad as Coraline and Wybie. That's why she ended the friendship, in the first place. Doing this would make her a hypocrite. "Wybie and Coraline...we got in a fight."

There was silence at first. Almost as if the world had paused. Y/N couldn't bring herself to add on to her statement, because she knew she'd be in tears before she could get the first word out. And her parents...too stunned to speak. They wanted to ask questions and comfort her. They wanted to understand. 

Y/N turned and walked into her bedroom, closing the door and making sure it was locked. She tore off her uniform without a care in the world and threw on a T-shirt with pajama pants. Part of her was waiting for her parents to knock on her door and ask if she was all right, but that never happened. So, she threw herself onto her bed, hoping to be consumed by the dream world, as soon as possible. 


"Th-this isn't possible," Wybie cried, as tears welled up in his eyes. "We got rid of the hand!"

"Wybie..." Coraline spoke. 

"I-It must be s-something else," Wybie denied, his body shaking in terror as traumatic memories flooded back into his brain. 


"D-Does this mean Y/N's in danger?!" Wybie wailed.

"Wyborne Lovat!" Coraline exclaimed, gripping his shoulders and slightly shaking him to snap him out of his horrified tantrum.

"What! G-get off me!" He pushed her away and sent her a glare, which was very out-of-character for him.

"We will deal with the Beldam later," Coraline stated.

Wybie looked at her, confusion and disbelief clouding his muddy, green eyes. "Are you insane!?"


Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now