8. Hand Holding

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"Coraline! Wybie, wait!" I called as I grabbed their hands. We had just gotten off the bus and I wasn't sure where my classes were, or how to get around the school for that matter.

"Yeah?" Coraline asked.

"Where am I supposed to go?" I said. Coraline chuckled and threw an arm around me. I gasped in surprise, but she didn't bother moving her arm. "I mean, I'm not sure where any of my classes are"

"L-let me see, y-your schedule" Wybie suggested. I reached into my bag, rummaged around a bit, and then handed it to him once I found it. His eyes scanned the paper and I saw him smile. "W-we have two classes together! Isn't that great!"

"Yeah! Now, I'll know someone!" I beamed.

"Let me see that" Coraline snatched the paper out of Wybie's hand, removing her arm from around me in the process. Her face held a scowl until she read a few things and it was replaced with a victory smile. "I have three classes with her"

"Which ones?" Wybie asked, crossing his arms.

"Geometry, Chemistry, and Japanese 2" Coraline informed triumphantly. "What about you?"

"English 2 and World History" Wybie snapped.

"Hey, guys! Calm down, alright. They're just classes" I said with an awkward laugh. I took my schedule back and looked at it. "Ah, so that means I have Creative Writing by myself"

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N" Wybie apologized. "I c-can switch classes so y-you won't be alone"

"No, it's fine. I only have one class by myself, I'll live" I said with a smile. Suddenly, I was pushed to the side roughly. I fell into Coraline, who didn't hesitate to hold onto me, to prevent me from falling. Someone walked through and I recognized it to be the person who threw their homework at us. "Well, that was rude"

Wybie grabbed my hands and pulled me out of Coraline's arms so I was standing upright. I brushed off my skirt and shirt, so it wasn't wrinkly. I looked towards the guy who was already heading into the school.

"Ugh, that jerk," Coraline said in disgust.

"Yeah, that kinda hurt, honestly" I stated as a rubbed my shoulder. "Why couldn't he just walk around? There's so much room"

"D-don't worry, Y/N. I-I'll take care of him" Wybie said with a smile.

"No, I will" Coraline corrected. 

"I said it first!" Wybie argued. 

"Well, I said it with more confidence" Coraline stated as she stomped her foot. 

"Guys, what are you even talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"Nevermind, let's get to class," Coraline said. She intertwined our hands, making my cheeks heat up.

"Um, Coraline" I piped up. 


"What are you doing?" I asked nervously. She smirked.

"Holding your hand, obviously" She stated. 

"W-well, I know. But, why?" I questioned.

"Can't have you getting lost on your first day, now can I?" She commented flirtatiously. "Besides, Japanese 2 is our first class, so I'll be able to accompany you to it"

"Oh, right," 

"That's not fair!" Wybie demanded as he caught up to us. 

"Don't make a scene, Wyborne. You wouldn't want to embarrass Y/N on her first day, would you?" Coraline taunted. 

"He's not embarrassing me, Coraline," I said. I turned to Wybie and held his hand as well. I heard Coraline scoff and she let go of my hand. She picked up speed and walked faster into the school. 

"Coraline!" I called, but she had already disappeared into the school. 

"Don't worry about her. She's j-just being moody" Wybie reassured me. 

"No, I mean she seemed mad. Like really mad" I denied. "I should go check on her" I went to pull away, but Wybie's grip on my hand tightened, causing me to almost lose my balance. 

"No" He stated. "She's fine" 

"Wybie, she's your best friend! You should be worried about her as well" I said.

"The only person I'm worried about right now, i-is you" Wybie replied. 

"Wybie, you can come with me if you want, but I need to check on her," I said. His grip tightened even more, it was starting to hurt. 

"Do you l-like her more than me, is that it?" Wybie asked, his face looking pained. 

"What? No! I like you both the same amount. You'd want me to check on you, wouldn't you?" I asked. He looked to the side, mumbling something under his breath. 

"I-I'll walk you to class," Wybie said. 

"Could you please let go?" I asked. He pulled me towards him causing me to gasp. 

"You do like her more than me," He said sadly. 

"No, that's not it" I denied. "Wybie, you're hurting me" 

His eyes widened and he seemed to snap back to reality. He let go and looked at me. I rubbed my hand which was now red. I didn't think Wybie was capable of hurting me that much. His actions scared and his words scared me more. 

What is up with these two? Why are they acting so...possessive?

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now