18. It's Not Over Yet

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Y/N sat upright in her bed, breathing heavily, while little beads of sweat dripped from her forehead and down her panicked face. She looked around her room and for the first time, she was relieved to see her room and not the other room. Her eyes trailed over to her bedside table, where her clock sat. It was time for school.

Y/N shakily pulled the blanket off her and stood from her bed. She opened her closet and once again, made eye-contact with her mini-me doll. She was convinced that this doll was from the other world. And that it was given to her by the other Mama, but she didn't know how.

She shook her head and grabbed her uniform, closing the closet, and changing into the bland outfit. She slipped into her shoes and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready. She brushed her teeth and decided against putting any makeup on. She had other things to worry about. And, quite frankly, she didn't care what other people thought about her looks. Not today.

Y/N grabbed her bag and walked out of her room, into the kitchen. Y/N assumed that her parents didn't have work today because they weren't making breakfast and they weren't in the kitchen.

Y/N poured some cereal and ate it in silence, thinking about how stressful today was about to be. She had to apologize to Coraline and Wybie. Then she had to explain what happened in the other world. It was bound to be a rollercoaster of emotions.

Y/N finished up her cereal and put it in the sink. She made sure she had everything and that she was ready to confront her two ex-friends, before heading to the door.

"Bye, Mama! Bye, Mom!" Y/N called, receiving no answer. She sighed. They're probably still asleep.

She walked out and found herself disappointed when Wybie and Coraline weren't waiting for her on the porch. She should've expected it. They had a fight, after all. Why would they wait for her?

She could only hope they forgave her. It was a slim chance, though. Especially, since she was so rude during their fight. Y/N felt like a jerk. And it wasn't a good feeling.

She took deep breaths as she made her way to the bus stop. The weather was quite gloomy. It normally was, but it was more-so than usual today.

The sky was grey and cloudy, the air smelled of rain and earth. The fog and mist, swirled together to create an unclear path and wet grass. Y/N sighed. This wasn't a good sign.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Coraline and Wybie waiting at the bus stop. They seemed to be arguing. That wasn't surprising.

You can't blame her for what she did next. She didn't mean to eavesdrop. They just didn't see her immediately and she happened to hear some of it. Besides, it's not like she heard that much.

"Wybie, it's not that big of a deal," Coraline huffed.

"B-But!" Wybie objected. "If she finds out-"

They made eye contact with Y/N, causing her to look away in embarrassment. All three of them were quiet. The air was thin and awkward. It was killing Y/N.

She opened her mouth to speak many times, but each time she shut it again. She couldn't figure out the best way to start such a bizarre conversation. Was there even a good way to say 'I almost got buttons sewn into my eyes, also sorry for ending our friendship because of something you had to do'?

Well, she had to try. "Guys, we need to talk"

The two of them looked at her, their eyes wide and surprised. Y/N nervously walked closer to them, hoping they wouldn't be too angry with her. But that was a long shot.

"Look, I know I've been a total jerk to you, and I do not deserve to be forgiven, at all. But..." Y/N hesitated.

What if the other world was a dream? What if none of it actually happened? Was she about to embarrass herself and sound like a complete psychopath by saying it?

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now