15. Chats With the Neighbors

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*3rd person p.o.v*

"Are you sure you're all right?" the mom asked her daughter on their car ride home. 

"Yes, mom," Y/N reassured. She had recovered from her previous meltdown and wasn't planning on telling her parents what had happened at school. "I'm fine."

The mom gave her wife an unsure look, both of them silently agreeing, with reluctance, that they wouldn't push any further. Although they were worried about their daughter, they didn't want to pry and end up pushing her away.

They pulled into the driveway and Y/N depressingly gazed up at the Pink Palace. She was just beginning to realize how glum their apartment complex looked. The name 'Pink Palace' was definitely a misnomer. The pink paint was chipping away, and not the light pink it used to be. As for 'palace', it was far from that. More like a dungeon, the teen thought

"You two can head on in," Y/N spoke up. "I just wanna sit here for a bit"

Her mama sighed but didn't object. "All right, dear. Be sure to come in before it gets dark" That would give her a few hours, at least.

When her moms had retreated into the house, she stepped out of the car and leaned up against it. She figured she would go inside when school let out because she didn't want to face Coraline, or maybe even Wybie if he decided to walk Coraline home.

Y/N's lip quivered and she held her head in her hands. She couldn't believe how quickly her life had gone to shit. This would have never happened back in her hometown, Blithe Hollow. Everyone was so kind there, she wanted to go back. She wanted to go back to not having a care in the world. She didn't like worrying 24/7 about if her two ex-friends would beat someone up for looking at her the wrong way. Not to mention the Other Coraline and the other Wybie, who were basically carbon copies of her own, no matter how much they wanted to believe they were better.

"Y/N?" Y/N lifted her tear-stained face from her hands at the sound of a thick Russian accent. She knew it could only belong to one person, and that was Mr. Bobinsky.

He stood on the roof of the Pink Palace, gazing down at the teen with concern. Y/N immediately noticed the difference between him and the Other Bobinsky. This one's clothes were ill-fitting and slightly dirty. The other Bobinsky wore a circus director's outfit, with a top hat. But, one major difference was their faces. The other Bobinsky seemed to draw you in with his expressions, but despite that, he wasn't better. Why? Because her Bobinsky showed concern and worry for her, and that was what she really needed at that moment.

"Hello, Mr. Bobinsky," Y/N greeted. Her voice was wobbly and Bobinsky noticed it, even though he was far from her. The blue man jumped down, landing in front of her, gracefully. She was still confused about how he could do that without breaking an ankle.

"What's wrong?" He asked. She craned her neck to look up at the eight-foot man.

"Everything," she mumbled, despairingly.

"Where's Coraline?" He asked. He finally said her name right. "And other friend, Wybie."

"That's the problem," Y/N informed. "We got in a fight."

"Why?" He asked.

Y/N shrugged, letting a sigh escape her lips. "They were lying to me."


Y/N groaned in frustration. "How am I supposed to know?"

"Maybe, had good reason?" He suggested.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "What good reason is there for lying?"

"How should I know?" He questioned. "I'm just a side-character"

"This isn't a book, Mr. Bobinsky," Y/N rolled her eyes.

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now