11. Trying To Tell Them

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My eyes fluttered open and I was surprised to see where I was. I was back in my room, my real room, not the one in the other world. I looked over at my woody doll, who was slumped up on the wall as he'd always been. 

I threw the covers off of me and walked over to it. It didn't have any reaction, so I picked it up and looked at it. Nothing out of the ordinary, it looked exactly like it did in the other world. The only difference was...this one didn't have buttons. 

"Hey, woody" I whispered. No reaction. "Come on, you were talking to me yesterday" Still nothing. I sighed, feeling embarrassed by my foolish actions. I sat the woody doll back down and plopped onto my bed. 

Did I really think that would work? That was clearly a dream. I mean, if it wasn't I wouldn't have woken up here. I'm an idiot. Although, I have to admit it was a very realistic dream. And the place seemed amazing. 

I got to talk to all my toys, especially Woody. The house, in general, looked in much better shape. There was a drink dispenser on the ceiling. My mind truly comes up with the most random things. I might as well tell Coraline and Wybie about it, I mean it was just a dream. Maybe, telling them about such a cool dream will distract them from their odd ways. 

I stood up and walked over to my closet, removing the chair I had on my doorknob. I opened it and the first thing I saw was the doll I had put in there. It had fallen on its side and something clicked in my brain. 

Its eyes...they're buttons. In my dream, all of my dolls had button eyes, as well as the other mama and the other mom. Could that...mean something? Maybe, it's just a coincidence. A lot of dolls have buttons for eyes. 

I quickly put my uniform on. I grabbed a jacket so I wouldn't be cold like I was last time. My bag was sitting by my door so I put it on my shoulder and walked into the kitchen. Mama and Mom were sitting at the table, eating toast and eggs. I sat down in my spot and began to eat. 

"How did you sleep?" Mama asked. 

"Good, I had the craziest dream!" I beamed. Mama raised an eyebrow. "In the dream, there was a door in our house, a small door. And it led to another world and you two were there! Only you guys weren't you! It was the other you. You had buttons instead of eyes and they called themselves the other mama and the other mom! And all of my toys could talk! Even my woody doll! It was the coolest"

"That sounds like an...interesting dream" Mom said, taking a bite of her toast. 

"We had buttons for eyes?" Mama asked, to which I nodded. "That sounds like something straight out of a horror film"

"Yeah, it was weird at first, but they seemed really nice," I said, taking a sip of my orange juice. 

I finished my food, waved to my parents, and headed out the door. I was surprised when I saw two people waiting on my porch instead of just one. Coraline had her arms crossed and she seemed mad, but she was still here. 

"Coraline!" I beamed. I embraced her in a hug and she immediately hugged me back. "I thought you were mad at me" I pulled out of the hug. 

"I wasn't mad at you" She informed. "I was just mad in general"

"Well, I didn't mean to make you mad," I said as an indirect apology. 

"Can we go? We're going to miss the bus" Wybie cut in. 

"Can you shut up?" Coraline snapped. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a stressful breath. 

"Why don't you j-just leave us alone?" Wybie asked. "N-none of us want you here anyway!"

"Wybie!" I exclaimed in shock. 

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N!" Wybie apologized quickly. "I-I didn't mean it!"

"Both of you need to stop!" I demanded. "You two are supposed to be friends, but you're acting like you despise each other" They glanced at each other and then back at me. 

"Sorry, Coraline" Wybie gave in. I sent a look at Coraline. 

"I'm sorry too," Coraline said through gritted teeth. 

"You don't sound like you mean it" I crossed my arms. She scoffed and grabbed my wrist. She pulled me off the porch. "Coraline!"

"I apologized, alright!" She snapped, making me jump. Her face softened and she let go of my wrist. She looked over at Wybie, who was standing behind me. "I'm sorry, Wybie"

"Let's just go to the bus"

*time skip*

We barely made it. When we were walking to the bus stop, the bus was already there and we had to rush on. The boy who pushed through me yesterday avoided eye contact. I couldn't see his face and Coraline told me not to pay any mind to it.

We sat in the same seat and I was quiet most of the ride. Coraline had put her hand on my thigh and my cheeks heated up. Once we arrived at the school, we were the last ones to get off the bus. We were standing on the sidewalk and I remembered what I wanted to tell them. 

"Wait, guys," I said. Which one should I say first? The doll or the dream? The doll seems more important because it's real.


"Well, something weird happened when I got home, yesterday" I began. Coraline raised an eyebrow. 

"What was it?" Coraline asked. 

"You don't think..." Wybie trailed off, facing Coraline. 

"Think what?" I questioned. Wybie placed his hands on my shoulders, causing me to grow flustered. 

"Was there a h-hand?" He asked quickly. "A metal one" 

"Long and skinny?" Coraline added in. "Moving by itself"

"God, no!" I denied in shock. "What have you guys been through?"

"You have no idea" Coraline muttered. 

"Well, what happened?" Wybie asked. 

"There was a-" Before I could finish my sentence the bell rung. 

"Shit, were gonna be late" Coraline cursed. Wybie grabbed my hand and pulled me into the school, Coraline next to us. 

Guess, it'll just have to wait for later...

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now