I'm Okay. I Promise

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"Hey mum, you okay?" I said, gently knocking on her bedroom door. The divorce between her and my dad was being finalized, and Dad had moved out.

For the past two months, they'd been battling over custody for Lucy and Carter. Just like most cases, mum won custody over them, because technically I'm an adult, and Dad had visitation.

"Zander, I'm okay. I promise." She said, sniffling. Her eyes had bags under them, and she just looked completely done.

"No, you're not mum. Look, I'll take Lucy and Carter out for breakfast, and then I'll invite Aunt Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade over. I've got to work in the studio today."

I gave my mum a peck on the forehead and hugged her for what seemed like forever.

"I love you Zander, you're one of the best sons anyone could ever ask for." She said, snuggling into her blankets and then looking at the wedding picture of her and dad.

"Love you too mum, get some sleep." I said, leaving her room and entering the twins' room.

"Oi, wake up!" I said, getting them out of their beds.

"What d'ya want Zandy?" Carter asked, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

"C'mon you can wear your pj's just let's go. We're going to get some IHOP." I said, picking Lucy up and grabbing Carter's hand.

We made our way out and into one of the SUV's and I texted Lauren that I'd pick her up and to be ready.

It was about a 10 minute drive the Lauren's hotel, my mum didn't trust us to sleep together, and by the time we got there Carter and Lucy fell back asleep.

Lauren gently knocked on the tinted window, and pecked me on the cheek when she got in.

"The paps were murdering me out there. They'll probably be surrounding the IHOP when we get there."

"Yeah, probably. But it's cool 'cause I get to spend some time with my favorite people. Away from all my parent's divorce drama. I mean it's already bad to go through that, but to have it all publicized makes it even worse." I said, driving to IHOP, as Lauren held my hand.


Once I dropped Lucy and Carter off at Dad's house and told my aunts to go visit my mum, Lauren and I went to the studio.

I instantly started writing, and when the day was over, I had enough for an entire EP. The guys were in and writing with me, and we recorded the songs. So basically we had our next release done. The songs were:

I'm Not Okay (I Promise) (My Chemical Romance)

She's Kinda Hot (5SOS)

Why Worry (Set it Off)

Bail Me Out (All Time Low)

Therapy (All Time Low)

That was our entire EP, and we were all feeling pretty good about it. It was different from most of our music, but we liked the vibe. 

"Babe, some of that was kinda depressing. But I liked it. Like really really liked it." Lauren said, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down for a kiss.

"Hey lovebirds, enough of that sappy crap." Alex said, breaking us apart.

"Lo, I'm just happy you're around. You're my sanity."

"Hey Z, I kinda want to play She's Kinda Hot one more time." David said, poking his head out of the booth door.

"Okay mate, just a second,"

"Lauren Christine Cimorelli, I love you so freakin' much, it scares me." I said, pecking her lips.

"Love you too Zander." She said, "Now get your butt back in there."


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