Lia's Back

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We had to film the music video for our new song, Can We Dance. We released it a couple months ago, when I was in the hospital.

Apparently, I was the only one on set right now. Aside from everyone else, and the director and crap.

"Zander, you're needed in the dressing rooms." The director told me, pointing towards the dressing room.

We were filming at this house, because the song's about sort of a party, and a girl at the party,

"Alright, put this jacket on, with these pants, and then these shoes. Meet me in hair and makeup after this." Some lady was in the dressing room, shoving clothes at me.

She walked out of the room, and I pulled on the Jaws bro tank, khaki pants from Hollister, and a pair of Vans.

I walked to a bunch of people crowding around the rest of the guys, putting makeup on them, fixing their hair.

"Zander, sit righ' here mate." Andy said, patting a seat right next to him,

"How'd you get here so late?" David asked,

"I couldn't choose which car to take, we're up in our French vacay house."

"Ah, the age old dilemma." Alex said, stroking his wannabe stubble.

Some girl tied a bandana around my hair, and I ended up looking like a guy from Magcon.

"Where do I go to get dressed?" A blonde girl asked, turning in circles.

She turned around, I'm pretty sure just seeing her knocked the wind out of me.


"Hey Zander, are you an extra?" Lia asked,

"No, this is my band's video."

"So, you're aware that we're kissing in this video. Right?"

"Um, no."


"Kissing scene, take one."

I opened the door, and Lia came out of it. She pulled me down, and pressed her lips onto mine.

I felt a swelling in my chest, like I wanted to be with her again.

STOP IT NOW! Zander Dylan Malik, you love Lauren.

"Um, wow." I said, stepping back,

"NO, NO, NO. That was horrible."

"Kiss, AGAIN!" The producer shouted,

She stepped out of the room again, and kissed me.

"Alright, lunch break!"

"You remember the boyfriend tag we did together?" Lia said, as we; meaning us two and the band, walked to Panera.

"Yeah, for some reason Zander does the boyfriend tag with all of his girlfriends." Alex said,

"Except for Lauren." Andy said,

"Why not?" Lia asked me,

"No offense to you, but I already know that nobody knows me better than Lauren" I answered,

"Mate, that was cold. We've known each other since the womb." Andy said, putting a hand on his heart.

"Love you Anders." I said, giving him a bear hug, along with the rest of the guys.

"You guys are so weird." Lia said, shaking her head at us.

"Aw, y'know you love it." David said, picking Alex up, and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Shall we race?" I asked immaturely,

"We shall." Alex answered while he was upside down.

I hoisted Andy onto my back and we sprinted back to set.

"Don't break him Zander!" Lauren called out,

Wait! My super duper pretty girlfriend is here.

Drop the boy, my mind yelled. And so I did.

"Bloody hell mate," Andy said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Hey beautiful," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Zander, help your crazy friend up."

"Yeah, help your crazy friend up- wait, Lauren!"

"Is the wittle baby Andy okay?" I asked teasingly, helping him up.

Lia was laughing, with Lauren. Something bad is gonna happen, I can feel it. Wait, no that was just my lunch.

My girlfriend is getting buddy-buddy with my ex.

" 'Sup," I said, trying to act cool.

"You're a loser." Lauren teased,

"I'm your loser." I said, hugging her.

"Hehe, 'kay." Lauren said, blushing a little bit. I pecked her cheek and promised I'd be back later.


"He's sweet like that, isn't he?" Lia asked,

"Um yeah, hey no hard feelings right? About you two breaking up and all," I said, kind of awkwardly.

You kinda can't blame me here, I'm Zander's girlfriend, talking to one of his exes. AWKO!

"I honestly feel really guilty about breaking up with him. He kept on calling me and trying to get back together."

No kidding, you only ripped his heart to shreds.

"When we met, he wouldn't shut up about how amazing and pretty you are."

"Has he said, y'know, 'I love you', yet?"

"Yup, he's all adorable about it."

SAVE MEE! I am internally freaking out.

"Aww," Lia cooed,

"Oi! Laurrrrrrrrennn! Love!" Zander yelled,

"No, don't help him! Help meee!" Alex yelled,

David and Andy were sitting on them.

"He's so faaat!" Zander yelled,

 "Andrew Zachariah Anders, get off of Zander. He's kinda important."

"Honestly, that's kind of part of the reason I broke up with him." Lia sighed,

"What, Andy, or-" I began to ask,

"No, the fact that he's kind of important. I got crazy jealous. Y'know about all the girls throwing themselves at him. His immaturity is adorable, but sometimes it's a little too much."  

Wait a minute. She didn't just say that.

"Zander, he knows when it's time to be mature, he likes to have fun. He's actually the most serious out of all the guys."

"He never really showed me his serious side."

"That's because he thought you'd like him more carefree than serious." I said, walking away from her.

"Lauren, you alright?" Zander asked, 

"I'm good," I said, pecking his cheek.

"Okay, I'll see you back at your hotel. Maybe we could go up to my place and watch a movie?" A smile coming to his face,

"I'd love to Mr. Malik. Walk me to the door?"

"With pleasure Mrs. Malik," Zander said, rubbing his neck, "I-I uh, meant Ms. Cimorelli."

"It's fine Zander. Besides, Lauren Malik has a nice ring to it."

"Put a ring on it!" Alex yelled,

"I did!" Zander yelled back,

Son of Malik a Lauren Cimorelli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now