The Babysitting Job

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I had a babysitting interview with the family next door.  I walked next door, and rang the doorbell nervously.

A cute guy answered the door, he had his phone pressed to his ear, and signaled for one minute.

"Li, we still on for tonight?" The guy asked,

"Awesome," He smiled, he had perfect teeth and happy blue eyes.

"So can I come in or what?" I asked,

"Yeah, yeah," He said, with a thick British accent, " Mum, Dad some hot girl is here."

A pretty blonde lady came rushing down the stairs, with a guy that had a scruffy beard and crazy dark hair. "Zander Malik, how many times have I told you not to call strangers hot?"

"I'm sorry Mum, she's very fit." Zander said, with a smirk.

Zander gave his dad, or I'm guessing, a low five. Then he cleared his throat when his wife gave him a look, "Uh, erm. Zander, don't call random girls fit either. No matter how fit you think they are."

"You're grounded, and you can forget about your date. And I don't care how sad you think Lia is going to be. And you have to drive the mini-van for a bit." Zander's mom said,

"I'm sorry 'bout that " Zander's dad said, as Zander stalked off, going upstairs.

"It's okay, really. I'm Lauren and you need a babysitter." I said,

"Yeah we do. We're going away for a bit. And we're gonna need you to sign a couple of papers." Mr. Malik said,

"What are the papers for?" I asked, confused.

"Consent forms, like, it's okay for you to be on the reality show. Stuff like that." Mrs. Malik said,

"Okay, so what are the kids like?" I asked,

"We have three terrors. I mean angels. They're called Carter, Zander and Lucy." Mr. Malik said,

"Lucy is an angel, she's the one you'll have the least trouble with, and she's allergic to peanut butter, so none of that if she's around. Carter is her twin brother, but they're both really different. Carter is a little bit of trouble, throws a temper tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants. But other than that he's really sweet. And then there's Zander, our oldest. He's a really good guy, he just doesn't like to show it. So he's grounded for the time being. Feel free to un-ground him when he behaves. He has band practices on Saturday, Wednesday and Monday. The guys will be here whenever. Don't let Zander out if he doesn't tell you where he's going. And most of the week he's at the studio for Jessie, he just wrapped up Every Witch Way. Which is why he's back on Jessie" Mrs. Malik said,

"Okay," I said processing all of this.

"Is it okay if you start tomorrow, you can put some of your stuff in the guest room, as you'll be working nights?" Mr. Malik said.

"Yeah, sure. I just have to tell my parents." I said, walking out of their house.

I went home and grabbed a huge bag.

"Where ya goin'?" Dani said, walking in.

"Oh my god you scared me." I said, putting some clothes in the bag.

"That answers my question." Dani said sarcastically,

"I have to babysit for the neighbors for a month." I explained, zipping the bag up.

"Lauren, I'll see you in a bit." Mom said, kissing my cheek.

"You know the rules about boys." Dad says,

"I'm sure a six year old who thinks girls have cooties is gonna make a move on me." I smirked,

"The other one," Mom said,

"Oh the cute one." I said,

"What does he look like?" Dad asked,

"You guys know the show Every Witch Way, well it turns out the guy who was Daniel, is our neighbors son." I explained,

"Oh my god he is hot!" Lisa said,

"He called me hot and fit." I said to Lisa ,

"Lucky little fetus." Lisa said,

"He's actually British, 18, and has a girlfriend. He's not gonna go for me, Dad." I said,

"I still don't like him." Dad said,

"Love you," I said, kissing my parents on the cheek, and leaving.

Once I walked out, I saw that Mr. and Mrs. Malik were still there.

I walked into their house and saw Zander, Carter and Lucy being smothered by their mother.

I got my phone out and took a picture of Zander being squished alive by his mom.

"This belongs on Instagram." I smirked and posted it.

"I love you my little angels, Zander, you're still grounded." Mrs. Malik said,

"Don't burn the house down. It's very nice." Mr. Malik said, and walked out the door.

"So, I'll give you the grand tour, and Carter and Lucy can go watch TV." Zander said,

"Don't you have a girlfriend?' I asked him.

"Yeah, but I'm a nice guy." Zander said, smiling at me. But it was a genuine smile, it was actually really adorable.

Son of Malik a Lauren Cimorelli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now