Tension and A Bit of Spying

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When Angela and Elli come to my house I was kinda confused. But I ended up going with it.

"So what do you think they're talking about?" Elli asks

"Probably the plans for Kiss You." I say, because he's gonna be in our cover of Kiss You.

"He's gonna be in your next cover?" Angela asks me,

"Yeah, they're shooting tomorrow. Well we have to record and Zander's gonna be playing the score on guitar and drums." I say, he does know all of One Direction's music and Little Mix. Well I guess it's because of his parents.

"Cool," Elli says kind of disappointedly.

"They can't seriously be dating.." Angela says trying to cheer her up,

"Yeah, Lauren would've told someone before the whole beach thing. " I say backing her up,

"I'm gonna go get some of those little Nutella to go's from downstairs, who wants to come?" I ask openly, I get up and it kind of hurts. My knees locked I guess. When I get downstairs I see Lauren coming from outside. I motion for them to hide and we climb back up the stairs.

"Please Lauren, Lucy doesn't want to share you." Zander says to Lauren,

"You sure it's not you?" Lauren asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe." Zander groans, Lauren and Zander both lean in and then they kiss really quickly.

"I'll be back before Carter and Lucy wake up." Lauren whispers to Zander.

"Morning cuddles?" Zander asks, using puppy dog eyes.

"Of course," Lauren says, before Zander pulls her into another kiss.

"See you later, Love." Zander said, with a cheeky smile.

"So they really are dating," Elli sniffles,

I shoo the girls back upstairs and I go get some Nutella to go. When I see Lauren I pretend I didn't see anything. She's closing the back door and I'm walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Lauren," I say suspiciously,

"You didn't see any of that did you?" Lauren asks,

"All of it." I tease,

"Please don't tell dad. You know how he flipped out when he found out that Nick and Christina were dating." Lauren says really cautiously,

"I won't," I begin, Lauren begins to smile " If you give me a lot of Nutella. Around fifty of the little Nutella to go thingies will do." I bribe,

"Okay," Lauren grumbles, I love this guy more and more. Remind me to say thanks to him.

"This is why you love me." I tease,

"Sure." Lauren says sarcastically


When I saw Lauren and Zander kiss, like ten billion times, I was definitely pissed off. HOW COULD SHE DO THIS TO ME? I thought that we were friends. I pick up my phone and send her an angry text.

lern cim

how could u?

do what

ask him out

I didn't, he did.

he asked himself out

sure lauren sure

not what I mean. he asked me out.

I really like him

u barely know him

u like the idea of him.

so. I know him better than u

no u don't.

u literally just met him

guess i'll just accept the fact that my bff is a man stealer

what r u talking about. he asked ME out


we okay?


I smiled across the room at Lauren.


After hours of truth or dare, Dani decides to go to sleep. So like the very mature young adults we are, we prank her.

" Elli stay on the lookout. I'll watch Dani, Lauren you go get the water and a bowl." Angela says taking charge. After five minutes Lauren comes back up with warm water in a bowl. We go over to Dani's bed and set the water on her bedspread. I gently place her hand inside of the bowl and she bolts straight up.

"Watch your back. You'll never prank me." Dani says sleepily. She falls back down and goes back to sleep.

Son of Malik a Lauren Cimorelli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now