Zander "Bad Boy" Malik

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Okay, breaking up with Zander was a huge mistake. More than huge, gigantic. All I can do is think of him, when I want to text him I can't, when I want to tweet him I can't. We can't even take cute selfies anymore.

"Earth to Lauren!" Katherine screamed in my ear,

"What?" I ask exasperatedly,

"Turn on the TV," she moans lazily. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. Some stupid gossip show is on.

"Zander 'Bad Boy' Malik, has gotten his first and second tattoo. The first, located on his lower abdomen says, she will be loved. And the second, located on his right bicep is unspecified. It seems to be a long paragraph, maybe it's a quote? He seems to have gone on a bad boy streak. After he broke up with his 3- month long girlfriend Mollee Gray, and another longtime girlfriend Lauren Cimorelli. His relationship with his best friend Ross Lynch, and band mates Andy Anders, Alex Wolff, and David Levi seem to have gone downhill. Perhaps, he's trying to impress a girl. With his new bad boy look, he's hotter than ever. Until next time, this is Jess Sparks." the reporter lady says.

"No, that has to be a different Zander. He's always been so sweet." I say.

"People change Lauren," Katherine says getting up,

"But I don't want Zander to change," I whine, and get up.

"C'mon, we've gotta go rehearse." Katherine says,

When we began to rehearse Made in America, I stopped short.

"Hey, can I take a break really quickly? Just to get some fresh air, clear my head a bit." I ask, and without waiting for an answer, walk to the back door.

I throw open the door and get met by the cold winter air of London, and Zander Malik. He hugs me and warmth overtakes me. I pull out of the hug and slap him as hard as possible.

Zander winces in pain, "Bloody hell love! What was that for?"

"Don't 'Love' me!' I shout at him, I may love him, but he was getting all comfortable with that blonde girl.

"What?" Zander asks in either shock or disbelief.

"Why don't you go talk to Blondie." I say trying to shake him off.

"I broke up with her," Zander says, taking off his hoodie to reveal a sleeveless shirt, he then takes that off, "This one on my bicep says 'If there ever comes a time when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, and I will stay there forever.- Winnie the Pooh."

"Your tattoo is a Winnie the Pooh quote?" I say and try to hold back laughter,

"It has a deeper meaning to it, whenever I'm not with you or vice versa, I'm gonna be in your heart and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon," Zander says, and pulls my hand towards his abdomen and runs my hand along his other tattoo, " She will be loved. Kind of cliche, but you will be loved. You know how your dad hates me a little bit?"

"A little bit? More like a lot." I say, smiling at him,

"It's my way of permanently telling your dad, that I'm not gonna hurt you or anything like that. Because I -" Zander says before he's cut off,

"Why is it that almost every time I see you you're shirtless?" Christina asks,

"Because I'm sexy?" Zander says and I chuckle,

"Yes, you are." I say in my head,

"See!" Zander screams,

"Did I say that out loud?" I say reddening,

"Yes Love," Zander says, as we walk back to the main stage.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Katherine says,

"Lauren's not a cat and it's just Zander," Dani says, " Wait! Zander's here, what are you doing in England?"

"Visiting family, performing for the Prince, oh and getting Nando's while I'm at it. America doesn't have Nandos!" Zander rattles off,

"You're performing for the Prince?" Lisa sputters,

"What's Nandos?" Dani asks,

"Best food ever, speaking of. Lauren, you wanna go get some Nandos with me sometime this week?" Zander asks me, flirtatiously grinning.

"Like on a date?" I ask,

"Yeah, love." Zander says, grinning at me.

"Nope." I say to him, popping the p.

"Awesome. Wait, no?" Zander says, bewildered,

"Yeah, no. It's been three months. Don't you think we should just, start over. Get to know each other again." I suggest, I don't want to rush into this again. No matter how much I like him.

"Ok?" Zander says, confused,

"I know you're confused, but this means we're not dating yet. Not now, later." I say slowly, trying to explain to Zander.

"So, no Lauren kisses?" Zander says, with a puppy dog face.

"Why can't I say no to you. Yes, you can still have your Lauren kisses.

"Yeah!" Zander shouts getting on the stage and back flipping off of it,

"What just happened?" Amy asks in confusion,

"That, dear sister, is when Zander Dylan Malik is happy." I said to her, smirking.

"Don't you have royalty to perform for?" I ask, tapping my imaginary watch.

"Oh yeah," Zander says in realization, patting around his pocket " Here that house key is."

"YOU HAVE A HOUSE HERE?" Katherine shouts,

"Well did you think I lived on the street?" Zander asks sarcastically feigning surprise.

"Not cool. Not cool." Kath says in a chill voice,

"Now all I have to do is find those bloody car keys." Zander mutters,

"They're in your jacket." Dani and I say at the same time,

"Creepy." Zander says, throwing on his jacket.

"Perform well." I call out to him,

"Don't get kicked out of the country!" Lisa says, and Amy hits her jokingly.

"Wait! Laur, will you come with me?" Zander says, puppy dog face and the voice. He knows me way too well.

"Fine!" I say, getting my jacket and phone.

"Thanks Love," Zander says, kissing me on the cheek. Which made me go red.

"Have a nice date Tomato and Mr. England!" Lisa says,

"No nicknames!" I call out behind me, as Zander takes my hand and we walk outside.

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