An Attempt

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I looked at my phone and had almost two thousand  notifications from Instagram.

 @infinityupdates_-@laurencim is at @zander_malik's house

And a whole bunch of other things like that.

"Did you seriously post that?" Zander asks jokingly,

"Maybe." I smirked at him,

"You're cute like that." Zander whispers in my ear. "Now laugh like I said some ridiculously funny thing."

"The cameras are ALWAYS watching." I said eerily,

Zander smiled at me again, "My girlfriend watches this show, and she's always like you're not that calm."

That hurt. A lot. I really liked Zander, and he wouldn't stop talking about his perfect girlfriend.

"So what does she look like?" I ask, as Zander shows me the kitchen,

"She's beautiful, she's got this long blonde hair, and then these eyes, and a mole close to her lip but close to her cheek. And she's fun to be around, and gah." Zander said, trailing off into Lala Land.

"Cool, I'll uh be right back." I said, faking a smile.

I walked towards one of the downstairs bathrooms and closed the door. Lauren Christine Cimorelli, you are not going to cry over him. He was never yours to begin with. Just because he's cute and has an adorable lisp on his 's' and a British accent, does not mean he deserves your tears.

I opened the door and saw Zander waiting there.

"You alrigh'?" Zander asked me, his eyes full of curiosity and worry.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I lied,

"Are you sure?" Zander asked, putting a caring arm around me. There goes that adorable lisp again.

"Zander I'm fine." I said, cracking a smile.

"My friends are going to give me so much crap about this but, who cares." Zander said, before leaning in to kiss me. His lips pressed against mine and I was dumbfounded. I had no clue what to do except kiss back.

"Aren't you dating Lia?" I asked Zander,

"Wait who, I'm sorry. Kissing you was whoa." Zander said, beginning to shake off confusion.

"Aren't you dating Lia. The pretty blonde girl." I repeated, reminding who his girlfriend was.

"We broke up when she found out I was grounded. She said it was typical of me to do something stupid and childish like getting grounded," Zander said, looking down.

"That sucks, you really liked her didn't you?" I asked him,

"I guess, but I like another girl way more." Zander said, finally brightening up.

"Just, hide this from my parents. They would freak out. Especially my dad. And my older sister. She thinks you're cute." I said, poking him in the stomach.

Carter ran down the stairs in nothing but tighty whities. " Zander and Lauren sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage. Tha's not all tha's not all here comes mini-Zander playin' basketball. Tha's not all tha's not all, here comes mini-Lauren playin' basketball." Carter screamed,

"Ugh, I go from the left you go from the right?" Zander said facepalming.

"Works for me." I said to Zander, getting ready to round up Carter and put him to bed.

Son of Malik a Lauren Cimorelli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now