26. Teenagers Don't Rage

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Chuuya P. O. V

This the thanks I get...

For all the years I wasted there....

For them to just fire me..... To throw me out like garbage!

Third P. O. V

The phone flies through the glass pale light coming out the windows.

When it smashed onto the ground Mori's caller ID glitched off the screen as it turned pitch black.

Off of Chuuya's hand simmered a red glow before the phone got picked up by his ability.

And thrown to the wall.

Let's hope he didn't expect help from Mori... You may have a god in you Chuuya but you live amongst monsters.

He threw the phone again. The tiny wires holding it together snapped.

The poor telephone broke in two.

Reader P. O. V

Look at that beautiful sky... The diamond flowers piercing through the ink.

It's so calming.

The shining puddle rippled under my foot when I stepped on it.

My head was still trying to come to place as I walked through the dying traffic to get home. It weighed heavy and drunk, to be honest I can't remember the last time I slept well.

Fatigue cracked through my body as I cut through the streets to get to my apartment

Tho through my bones cracked gold flickers.

Was it hope?

I want to belive it is.

Across this thick ash that crumbed in me for the last couple of weeks, this newly found morsel of piece was soothing it well.

It grew stronger in me the closer to home I got.

The skin of my lips spread into a smile. Despite of it feeling uncomfortable and ugly.

I entered my building.

Third person P. O. V

The couch was flipped over.

The pieces of several broken glasses sparkled on the floor bathing in wine from a smashed bottle.

The entire living room shone in thick red.

"Ouch my foot these boots will-"

You stop mid sentence as you saw Chuuya standing in the middle of the destroyed living room.

" - kill me"

He snapped his head to you. And there you saw the same raw rage. The same power.

Just waiting to eat him alive.

"Oh, fuck no!"

You say watching his skin breaking into faint marks, he couldn't activate Corupption without the incantation.

Yet his body was showing signs of it.

You used that time of his sane mind to your advantage, latching into his wrist.

"Chuuya what happened?! Can you hear me?!"

"The world is shit, that's it!"

You sreach for his eyes with yours.



You watch his chest pump up and down with fury.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

To possibly calm him down you spoke in a low voice.

Tho your hands and knees were quivering.

"Just GET AWAY!"

Your shoulder flew you back.

He used his abilty.

Scrablming back up you stopmed to him.

To land a smack to his face.

"Listen to me carefully" you gripped both his wrist "I don't know what happened to you, but nothing is gonna be solved with you raging like a teenager!"

Letting go of his wrist you pull the coat that had fallen off your shoulder back on.

"Get your shit together and then talk to me! You'd be surprised what could happen!"

His skin cooled down as he watched you run out the hallway.

Bitter cries suffocated your lungs dry.

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