9. For These 10 Minutes....

855 36 47

Reader P. O. V

I wave the dust out of my face as I listen to Chuuya's voice spill out of the phone.

"I shouldn't say this as your competition, but... You were amazing today!"

His words, my blush. Damn him....

"Thank you soo mu- AKKGHH!"

Cough ripps my throat open to the prickling air.

I choke there like a dying seagull for good 5 minutes before I could speak again.

"... Are... Are you ok?" comes from the phone.

"I am, I am... It's just this celler isn't the best for my lungs" a small puff of a cough confirms it again.

Shame only dusty cellers allowed me to talk in privacy to my forbidden friend. 

"Hey Chuuya, you still there?" I ask, scared by the silence on his side now. 

"Yeah I'm here... Umm... Hey, can we meet outside? In the back of the hotel maybe?"

I dust off my hands on my jeans "Yeah, sure. Why tho? We could get caught" 

"Y/N if you stay there I'll be a witness to a death scene. And besides I wanna talk to you... In person"

"Ok... I guess, see you in a bit!"

"I'll be waiting, see you" 

The call ends but new suspicions start to take shape in my stomach . 

Was everything ok? Did something happen? 

I wasn't gonna find out by sitting in the dust so I got up to go meet with Chuuya. 

Chuuya P. O. V

I couldn't even feel the cold.

Adrenalin coursing through my blood stream and my shaking knee were enough to keep me warm. 

My best hope was we wouldn't get caught, I'd hate it if this got ruined... 

Thankfully Mori was out on a meeting and the rest were, God knows where, but most importantly far from here. 

I look around the dead air parking lot searching for Y/N. 

Was I really doing this? How was she gonna react? 

Fuck I'm not ready! 

Then her h/c head popped out of a bush. 

My heart started thumping so fast, I would fail any poligraf test with it. 

Fuck, I'm not ready! 

Third person P. O. V

"Hi Chuuya" you stumble out of your bush saying this. 

"Why were you in a bush?" Chuuya points to the half dead plant you came from. 

Your pants and shirt get a good shaking as you answer "I thought I saw Fukazawa so I jumped to hide. Good thing it was falls alarm!" 

You step closer to him. 

"Anyhow I promised myself I would do this when I next saw you!" your hands wrap him in an embrace boiling with the same ray of emotion you felt when you were watching him skate. 

He clumsily hugged you back, the words he wanted to say pressing on his lip crookedly. 

His gloved hands grew cold when you left the hug. 

"Now that we got that squared off, what did you want to talk about?"

Crap! What does he focus on first? Your gourgeous eyes, your smile or his confession!? 

No he must get this cleared with you! 

"Y/N I, ugh... Fuck!" your eyebrow bends in confusion but your gut lowkey knows where this is going. 

He clears his throat "Y-yesterday you were beautiful when you were skating, the day before you were beautiful when you were sleeping in the lobby, week before that you were beautiful when you got mad at me... "

Ouch Chuuya, don't mention that! 

"And two years ago you were beautiful when I first met you" 

Fear and happiness hits your bones.

"I tried to ignore this because of our postioins but... I couldn't just tell my heart to fuck off you know? So I'll say it now... I like you. Might even go as far as to say I love you... "

He avoids your eye with his hat again scared of rejection or waiting for his wish fulfillment. 

"I.... I like you too" 

Roses bloosom in his chest when he hears this. 

"But... Just like you said our positions are a roadblock... And we both love our jobs! I think one love will have to suffer in the name of the other... "

Roses in his chest now shrank dead. 

"I... I understand" 

The quiet then became as drowning as a stroke. 

"I-I think it's the best from tomorow we don't talk at all... Now that we started a match it could burn everything! It's... the safest option."

Chuuya held onto his last hope. "But... You like me too, right?" 

"Yeah... I do!"

He looked at his phone "Well, we have ten minutes to midnight. So it's not tomorow yet! But like... Wanna, I don't know, be my girlfriend for those 10 minutes?" 

The blush he fought on his face made you smile. 

"Fine, let's enjoy these 10 minutes then!"

Chuuya is the one hugging you first now. 

Porcelain dolls don't get held as gently as you got held then!

The cold couldn't reach neither of you and whether both your eyes shone from tears or happiness is left for the almost dead flowers in the back of the hotel, your only witnesses, to know. 

Skate on the melted ice /Chuuya x reader/Where stories live. Discover now