10. Time Is Money Am I Right?

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Third person P. O. V


One snap of Fitzgerald's fingers and a leather brief case opened.

Reveling stacks of fat cash inside.

"What's this for?" 

Fukazawa's voice of iron rang through the secluded room he was sharing with Fitzgerald. 

"It's an offering my friend" Fitzgerald leaned forward, voice a nauseating shade of saccharine "Just a leader, offering buissnes to leader. Right?"

No reply comes. 

"Either way, time is money, so I'll cut to the chase. I met with you today to strike up a deal" 

Looks like Fukazawa wasn't treating Fitzgerald to the pleasure of answering him again. 

The Guild leader paid no mind to the determinant silence and continued "Agency is filled with many very capable skaters..." he crossed his legs "And many capable ability users"

These words came out as a fiery wishper. 

"In order to compete with the use of their abilities, however, you need "The Skilled Buissnes" permit. And if I'm not mistaken you acquired one not long before this competition"

Fukazawa finally spoke up "I see you've done your research"

"I have, indeed... Just like I've researched quite a bit on the skater competitions for the rest of the season... And I found that abilities will be allowed for the wintery of the next season" Fitzgerald smirked while speaking

"My organization does not posses the said permit and my skaters got to compete this time only because I'm one of the sponsors for this competition. They have some powerful abilities wich they will not be able to use again if this regime continues sadly... Unless we get possession of the permit"

The money got pushed further on the table in the middle of the white light from the bulb above. 

It shone like devil's teeth. 

"That's why I'm offering to buy off your permit. And take the ability using skaters to my organization so they can be put to good use... The money here should be enough for your needs after that and-"

"Not in a milion years. " 

Fukazawa got up "The Agency earned its permit rightfully and works with skaters with no abilities as well. And I don't plan to abandon either of them for a slick piece of paper"

He moved to the exit door "I refuse your offer. "

Even tho he couldn't see he could hear the grimmness seeping out of the laughter coming out of Fitzgerald. 

"Just as I expected! Oh, this is gonna be so fun!" the cheer evaporated soon "After all... It's no fun chasing prey that's a sitting duck" 

Fukazawa's hand reached for the door nob with a plan to ignore him. 

That plan fell to bits when Fitzgerald was heared again. 

"You forgot how influencial to this competition I am... And I know of the famous rivalry between you and the Port skaters. I wonder what would happen if we took that a little further?"

The plan to leave soon put itself back together again and Fukazawa left, seemingly unbothered. 

"Eliza!" Fitzgerald called. 

"Y-yes Fitzgerald-sama!" a glasses wearing girl stepped closer out of the shadows. 

"Call the judges. Tell them I have a certain idea I would like to try..." 

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