6. Let The Games Begin

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Third person P. O. V

"To your rooms everyone! We have a busy day tommorow and I want you all on your feet by 6 a.m.!"

Kunikida dismissed the Agency skaters with this and a hit of his pen on his beloved notebook.

Rumble thuded across the floor from everyone pulling and throwing their bags and suitcases into their rooms.

"Mmgh! I hate traveling!" this complain from you got half-drowned as you planted your face in your pillow.

"Come on! It's not that bad" Yosano said.

The mattress then creeked when her weight accompanied yours on the bed.

"I didn't get to tell you this but your new program is really good!"

Your head went up "Really?"

Yosano's smile answered "Yeah! It suits you perfectly, I'm seeing someone beating those Port skaters asses in the future!"

The name Port skaters burned from your throat, pricking your tounge. Hope it didn't reach your eyes.

"Thanks Yosano! It means a lot"

The door of the hotel room then bust open.


Reveling an excited Naomi.

"Brother had practice~ That's why I came to see what you girls were up to!"

The bed now creeked with a third body jumping onto it.

"Hi Naomi, you got settled all right?" you asked politely.

"Just fine! Shame I couldn't share a room with brother, but doesn't matter cause I will... "



Every year's famous Dazai VS Chuuya fight rang up to everyone's rooms.

"Oh, here we go again..."

Yosano and Naomi got up. Yosano's eyes meeting your own with michief.

"Not about to miss the show~ You coming?"

You did tag along, although if you didn't you wouldn't miss a lot.

Just think of the last year's championship again.

"YOU SHIT EATING ASSHOLE!" Chuuya's grip was molesting Dazai's jacket collar "I'LL SEND YOUR SORRY ASS FLYING TO SPACE!"

"That's rich coming from you slug! Guess you forgot who sent your own sorry ass flying to 3rd place last time~"

"YOU!" another punch gets thrown, shocking the new skaters.

"Wanna bet on whose gonna win~" Yosano whispered in your ear.

"Nah gurl I'm broke" your reply was very half-minded as the other half of it was focusing on the way Chuuya's muscles flexed under his shirt.

Dazai doged the first attraction pulling punch but he would've gotten the next one if one hand didn't wrap around Chuuya's wrist.

"I knew it wasn't a good idea to stay in the same hotel as the Armed agency skaters"

These were Mori's words.

Letting go of Chuuya's wrist his eyes turn to Dazai.

"Good to see your still skating Dazai-kun, you're doing rather finely if I can say so... "

Dazai's nonchalantment cut subtly into a smile. Not reaching his eye.

"But you would have been even better if you were still with the Port skaters." the same bare eyes went over Dazai again "But we'll see that at the ice rink... "

Dazai now brust into laughing.

"My, my are you trying to declare war to the Agency?"

The air soon lost the tone of his prior cheerful sarcasm.

"Try it... If you dare"

A nod and senseless simle was all he got.

Mori and Chuuya went away from the whole scene and the jaws reaching the floor from other skaters.

"Damn Dazai... " you whispered as you retreated to your room with others.

Naomi and Yosano kept discussing Dazai and Chuuya's previous fights but you stayed behind to lean on the closed door.

The pressure of the whole championship ordeal massaging your flesh in a ruthless manor.

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