11. This Is Boring Let's Add Spice

771 38 6

Third person P. O. V

"That's the idea"

Fitzgerald sat down, looking expectantly at the other sponsors at the table in front of him.

"With all due respect Fitzgerald-sama... Are you insane?! We can't change the competition in the middle of it!"

Fitzgerald caught his respons with a smirk "It's not exactly half, only the first day has passed and I don't see why not use my idea while it's still possible"

He caught more disapproving stares. 

This fueled his idea's fire. 

"This year's funds were rather low, no? And why is that?"

Swift swish and these words cut the disapproval instantly.

"They weren't low... It's jus-"

"Ah! Is that why I was asked to sponsor this thing, then? And in such a generous amount?"

He got back up "I don't think these are times to lie to ourselves ladies and gentlemen! The funds and the overall popularity are getting lower each year!"

The dramatic switched with the danger in his voice.

"And that is why adding partner figure skating so unexpectedly will help!"

"People will be drawn to the sudden change and stay as viewers for the thrilling chemistry of it!" a smirk came again "And I think you are aware of the interesting backstories skaters and agencies can carry with them to the rink..."

Most eyes were colored to convinced. 


"I'm still not convinced Fitzgerald-san!" one of the organization representives complained "To me it sounds like you want to turn this into a reality show. And this competition is all but that"

Fitzgerald sat back down again.

His smirk widened "Isn't that what sells? And if not, I wonder what would way this play would go if my sponsorship stopped?"

No one spoke. What a lovely reason for The Guild leader to smile.

"We... Will consider it"

Fitzgerald turned to leave "Excellent! I shall speak to you soon then, goodbye!"

He left the room, Eliza at his tail.

"Um... Fitzgerald-sama?"


"I must ask you... Why partner skating of all?"

He smiled "That's simple enough! Paring up the Agency and the Port skaters together is a recepie for their destruction. Most likely because of their incompatiblty they will both lose, causing loss of funds for both. Maybe some skaters will leave and lead to a bigger downfall. Then they will need money in order to keep working... "

He waved his hand through triumph. 

"Especially the Agency! If it gets pushed over their current brink they will come to me. Then they will remember my offer"

The halls got darker the further they moved. 

"After all.. Money is everything"

Reader P. O. V

I lay on the edge of the rink, my on heart wehiging if it's safe to shoot longing looks at Chuuya. 

The sweetest fruit is the one you can't have. 

And my dumbass took a bite and became addicted. 

It took all my common sense to fight off the haze of my love for him. We both agreed on this ignoring thing and I had to respect it. 

It was my idea after all. 

I think I'm building more muscle trying not to look at him than skating. 

Then a voice sparked up through the speaker. 

"Good morning to all the competitors and viewers of this year's Japan's figure skating championship! We inturept the second day with an important announcement about certain changes that will take place as of today"

"Changes?" Yosano whispers as she walked over next to me. 

"There will be a new part added to this year's competition"

The whole arena was now all ears. 

"The new part is partner figure skating. All skaters are included in this!"

"What the hell?!" I look at Yosano. 

She was as confused as I was. 

"The partners will be chosen by random. All skaters with even performance numbers will get their partners name from the envelopes on the judges table"

A single table then got a milion eyes glued to him.

"We ask of all even number skaters to go to the judges table and get their partners names"

The speaker died down. 

"Looks like your picking"

Yosano's finger tapped the number on my skirt. 


"Yup. I better go then?"  

"Good luck!" Yosano yells behinde me. 

I step into the line with other even numbers all of them discussing and also cussing the changes.

I've heard enough rumors that by the time It's my turn I could write a news article. 

"Here you go miss!" 

A white envelope got pushed in my hand. 

Looks like it wasn't so random after all. 

I open it excitedly and look at the name. 

"Nakahara Chuuya" 

Suddenly I wish I didn't look! 

Skate on the melted ice /Chuuya x reader/Where stories live. Discover now