19. I'm Still Here

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Third person P. O. V

The doorbell ringed, stopping half way through because it burned out.

Who ever was using it at the front must have been really startled when it sparked up and died in a small smoke.

You curse at your broken bell while pulling on your sock as you were getting ready to go the hospital for a check up.

Quickly you stumble off your seat on the couch and reach the door handle.

You swung the doors open were you see Dazai standing with a disappointed face.

"Oh! Hi, Dazai... "

"Hmpf... Hi Y/N"

What's wrong with him now?

"Ugh... Why the long face, Dazai?" you ask still watching his disappointment with caution.

"Oh, Y/N! You couldn't understand my sadness!"


He looked at you with tears reflexing in his eyes.

"Your doorbell just had a short curcit and it didn't kill me!"

"Is this guy for real?!" went through your mind.

"Ah but I must not let my emotions get in the way! I came here to ask something of you"

You lean on the door frame with your healthy arm "And that is?"

Dazai pulled out black hat from his coat pocket.

Chuuya's black hat.

"I found this on the bleachers after the whole fiasco at the competition. And since you were going to have a check up already, could you take this to him?"

He offers you the hat and you take in your hand, apprehensivly.

"What don't you bring it to him if you alredy have it?"

Dazai's face sparked in a disgusted scrunch of his nose.

"I can't bear seeing that slug more than I already have to!"

Classped hands, he whined "Please don't make me do it!"

It's like all you do is sigh with this man...

"Fine I'll do it..."

"Thank you Y/N-chan~ I owe you one"

"A-ha... "

You excused yourself and closed the doors going back to getting ready to get to the hospital.

Dazai just smiled until the wind hit his curls when he got outside of your flat.

He had a solid reason for that grin...

The wind was smiling back at him.

Reader P. O. V

"Your arm is healing nicely but still avoid any hard labor with it if you ever want it to be put to use"

"Alright doctor. Thank you!"

The lock clicks after me as walk outside of the office.

The whole time I could hardly focus on my doctors words, the burn of Chuuya's hat in my jackets pocket was too distracting.

I pull it out as start to walk around the corridor.

The black material was bit scratched, bet that was Dazai's doing but overall it was in pretty good condition.

I let a sighful breath pass my throat. I said I would bring this to him.

Time to stop cowering and face him...

Chuuya P. O. V.

I twiddle my fingers, staring at the crisp blue sky out my window.

This hospital felt more like a prison the more that sky seduced my eyes.

"Mister Nakahara"


The nurse opened the doors wider ,,You got a visitor"

I maneuver my gaze to the person behind until I saw the visitor she was taking about.

That's when I saw Y/N.

I saw her shoulders draped with a oversized leather jacket worn out like her face.

And I saw her trying to cover injured arm with the jacket.

She really came to see me after I caused that?

"You have 15 minutes" the nurse chirped before closing the doors on us.

Y/N nodded before looking around the room.

She strolled around like she owned the place before pulling out a chair to sit next to my bed.

"Hi Chuuya... "


Any words I wanted to say as I yieldingly opened my mouth got cut off by her.

"Dazai asked me to bring you this" she placed my hat in my lap.

I try to hide how happy it was and the poke in my eyes when I saw a scratch on it.

This was Dazai doing, I know it!

"Thank you... For bringing it"

My eyes were kept glued on the hat, I couldn't bear the heated guilt I got from the sight of Y/N's arm.

"How are you feeling?"

Shit, now I gotta answer!

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking"

Why do I sound so cold?!

Y/N nods her head while walking her eyes around the room. Even she felt uncomfortable...

My fingers clasp onto my hat with full force "Y/N listen I'm soo-"

"I'll stop you right there"

Her finger stood in front of my face.

"I'm not here to hear you babble on about how sorry you are or see you look at me with that like I disowned you!"

The hand she held up now fell on her lap.

"Besides bringing the hat I was also worried about you. I needed to see If you were ok..."

Y/N's locks of h/c tickle her cheeks as she looks away.

"You still care even after what I did to you?"

That couldn't get through to my head.

"I do. Despite all of the shit, I do. I know the stuff that happened but I also know the person who I had to see all of that thought with" her eyes strength onto mine.

"And having that person alive is, right now, the most important thing"

Third person P. O. V

Chuuya's face was melted folwers to your words. So soft and light with relife.

"But that doesn't mean I can so easily forget, you better explain all that to me!"

However a small smile decorates your cheeks.

"But I think getting you better is more important now"

Chuuya gently placed his hand on top of yours.

"Thank you Y/N. I... It means a lot"

The emotions snuggled up in the blue of his eyes told you evetything.

You know that short ginger wasn't good with words.

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