18. Where Do I Find The Strength To Stay Conscious?

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Reader P. O. V

"Careful Y/N!" warned Gramps as he opened my apartment door for me.

I nod with a simple thank you as I walk inside.

Geez, it's seems like forever since I've been here and only a couple days has passed.

"Go and rest a little bit. I'll go and make us some tea"

Gramps closed the doors behind us and I follow him to my kitchen  through the cold air flaking in dust.

I really needed to clean this place once my arm gets better.

His big steps got him to the kitchen much faster, that by the time I got there clanks of the teapot could already be heard.

Quietly I sit at my table and start gliding my finger through the surface, leaving deep dents in the dust as I listen on the Gramps' shuffling.

"I think I told you to go and rest?"

I sigh "Come on Gramps, I've been chained to a bed for the past week. I don't think I want to lay down again for the rest of my life!"

He turned to me.

"Dear God... Fine. Take this then"

Gramps took off his leather jacket and plopped onto my shoulders, leaving him only is his blue turtleneck.

My healthy hand covers the shoulder wich was carrying my broken one with the jacket  "Aren't you gonna get cold? I broke my heater last week, I don't want you to get sick!"

"I won't"

I kept quiet after that. Taking in the warmth from his jacket while looking out the window.

Soon he placed a chipped mug in front of me.

"Here you go Little one"


Steam curls over the calm liquid as I take a cautious sip of it.

"How... How bad is Nana?"

My vocal cords harden to my bone as I watch Gramp's eyes glide from his cup to me at the sound of my question.


He turned his face away, his knuckles whitening with him gripping the handle.

"You can tell me Gramps... I love her as much as you do"

"That's the very reason why she didn't want me to tell you... "

Gramps looks at me.

"It's.... It's bad, Y/N"

The grey in those eyes glossed meatalic with tears.


He takes a hurried sip.

Yeah, that's right like you can sip the emotions away!

"I shouldn't have told you that..."

"You think I wouldn't find out? I'm not a child, you know?"

I pin down his eyes.

"It's better if I know. Ignorance can't save me from the truth it can only delay it"

Where did I find the strength for the smile I shot him then?

"Let's work with Nana to get her better. This isn't her fight alone and neither is it your's to be an emotionless rock. I'm here for you both... Just like you were for me"

The grey eyes finnaly softened.

"Thank you Little one... "

Third person P. O. V

The channels flicked passed your eyes. Gramps left not too long ago and you got thought struck again.

Worry after worry gushed in your head.

It was brutal.

It didn't help that Chuuya and you ended up on litteraly every single news channel.

Who knew people could get so invested in a sport because of drama?

To run away from that shit you turned off the TV and that is when your phone started ringing.


"Y/N-chaan~ How are you?"

You raise an eyebrow "Dazai?"

The bandage man answered brightly. Wich never meant good news...

"Yup, that's me!"

This man needed something.

"What's up Dazai?... "

"Oh what's with the suspicion in that angel voice~"

A sigh gets through you "You don't call without a reason..."

Dazai giggled "Why is that Y/N-chan, can't I call my co-worker after an incident?"

Your tone went blank "Just spit it out Dazai, I'm in way too much pain for this... "

"OK, fine you got me" the other side of the line then  got stripped of any cheer "Chuuya is conscious now... And he wants to see you"

"I'm not ready to yet... "

You hung up on him. Hand shaking along with the phone in it.

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