8. Bullet Wings For Show

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Chuuya P. O. V

The sponsorship was going on as I was fiddling with my skates.

I feel the tension in my muscles pulse from tips to the ends of my nerves.

In an attempt to shake it off I rub my wrists, then Mori approaches me again.

"Are you ready Chuuya-kun?"

"I am, Boss" 

A bunch of English speaking skaters pass us. I wouldn't have paid attention to them if Mori's whisper didn't reach me. 

"Those Americans over there are skaters from The Guild. Their leader is sponsoring this thing. Pay attention to them... "

I nod as my name gets called and get on the ice. 

As I slide around my fear slides off me in a relieving manner. 

Reader P. O. V

"... And you did so good out there! We're soo proud of you Little one!" 

Nana's voice comes out of the phone. My enjoyment of her praise is soiled by my constant nervous tapping. 

I love her, but if she keeps talking I'm gonna miss seeing Chuuya skate. 

" Thank you Nana, it means so much!" 

I hate that I have to cut her off like this... 

"I'm sorry Nana I gotta..." 

"Hold on Y/N." 

Fuck, she used my first name. 

"Honey, why did you leave usthat money?" she took a breath "We don't want to take anything from you, especially not money!"

I knew this was coming... 

"Nana, you think I didn't see your ripped shirt and noticed Gramps worsening chough!?" my yelling left my mouth bitterly loud, so I quiet down "You're not even related to me... Yet you cared and helped me all these years. That's the least I could do!"

I wait for her respons with pins and needles down my spine. 

"Your not my own, but sometimes I feel like you are.... Thank you Little one." 

I try speaking but I got cut off with: "But if you ever do this again, I'll fly over there and pull your ears out!"

I laugh, I got away this time. 

"OK, ok Nana! I have to go now, I'll call you later"

"See you soon Little one"

I hang up and run back to the ice rink with lighting speed in my heel. 

- || - 

The music is still playing, thank God! 

I run somewhat close to the edge, hoping I'm avoiding suspicion. 

But I forgot all about it as soon as I saw Chuuya. 

His moves caressed with the music in perfection. The ice only a slave to his skates. 

Not to mention how good he looked overall... 

My heart leapt with his moves, his ability helping to exaturate them. 

The lights the dim down. 

"Huh?" whispers out me. 

A single light shone on Chuuya, whose hands were full of.... Fucking bullets. 

"What the hell is gonna do now?!" yells in me. 

He smirks and chucks the bullets in the air. 

He dips to the ground, whirling in high speed. 

Before the clammer of his bullets hitting the ground can come, the lights are gone again. 

"I didn't know this was allowed" I think "But hey, these people use magic powers this is the least weird part!" 

Lights pop up again. 


Now I couldn't keep quiet. 

How could I when in a matter of seconds Chuuya made entier wings out of bullets mid air.  

One last spin and the music dies down for the life of the skin ripping applause he got. 

My own hands clap included. 

I wanted to yell from the pride piling in me, but I was gonna have to wait for later...

He is getting one massive hug when I get a chance for it. 

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