21. I'm Finnaly Alowed To Do This

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Chuuya P. O. V

The zipper between my fingers slid across my bag. When the it finally closed I tossed the the bag over my shoulder.

I was ready to get out of this place for good!

The lock of the rooms door then jinggled.

"Mister Nakahara, are you in here? "

I answered to the call of my name "I'm in here, come in."

My doctor listened and came in, carrying several documents in her hand.

"I see you're all packed up Mister Nakahara, excited to go home?"

The polyester of the bag echos shalowly as I tap it "You are right doctor, I am. I miss riding my bike... "

And seeing a certain girl again.

"Make sure to be careful in that case, don't want you to end up injured again!"

I join the doctors quick chuckle.

"Anyhow... " she offered the papers in her hand to me "I need you to sign these discharge forms before you leave"

I accept them in my hands and just as I began to look over them she spoke up again.

"Oh and also this girl followed me in here"

Y/N's head then peeked from the doorway.

"Hi Chuuya... "

- || -

The doctor left carrying now filled out forms with her.

Wich left me free to talk to Y/N.

"What brings you here?"  I ask.

"I wanted to see if you needed help with your stuff and I brought you this"

Her hands lifted up, reveling a small box in them.

"Some chocolate. Cause why not"

Caramel soft happines, eased it's way in my senses.

I never want it leave them...

"Thank you so much" I spoke as I look over at the box of chocolates "Ah, shame... Seems you drank all the wine~"

Before I could register my words her lips grazed my ear.

"Don't worry they have liqour in them, I know what you like~"

Y/N pulled back and gave me a wink from the those e/c irises with michevious shimmer sewn in them.

She wiggled her brows before speaking up again.

"Shall we go now?" her voice piped up.

She took the bag from me and headed for the door.

As I watched her leave my hand uncunciously went to touch the spot on my neck where her voice spilled warmth on my skin.

From that small spot my whole face lit up red.

Third person P. O. V

"Make yourself at home!"

The door to Chuuya's apartment slammed shut behind you as you entered.

"Will do~" you say, as if you haven't already been crashing on the couch here at least once a week in the past 2 years.

You strolled around causally before plopping down onto the couch as Chuuya was putting his bags away.

Clatter of Chuuya unpacking puzzled away across the room, followed by the switching of the channels of the TV while you waited.

"You need help over there?" you met his eyes watching him close his bedroom door.

"Nah and besides-" he jumped over the back of the couch "I'm done"

He ended up next to you with a grin.

"Damn... For someone who just got put of a hospital you sure have energy!"

He laughed "Oh, come on if it was up to me I would have been out of there by last week"

The laughter soon died down and to life came two soft pairs of eyes.

Hesitantly your face got closer to his.

Gentle in manner his lips met yours, testing the waters before you returned the affection wholly.

His fingers caressed your cheeks painting happiness down the skin.

You two missed each other, it showed in the balerina soft dance of your lips.

You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him onto the couch with you.

Eyes wide open he toppled over you.

Your voices ring in laughter again.

"It feels so nice to be allowed to do this... " Chuuya whispered spooning you from the back.

"I'm not gonna lie it does" your smiled placing a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

The air felt free.

All the bad you went through gone, through such great relief you both fell asleep.

Holding each other.

Reader P. O. V

Even the cold slithering in down my back tried to wake me up I kept strong.

A little cold is not about to ruin this.

I snuggled deeper into Chuuya's embrace when the buzz of my phone started.

I reached for it in my pocket, pulling it out only to see the caller's ID...

It was Gramps.

"Hey, Gramps"

His voice quivered "Y/N... Im sorry to call you this late but... Bianca is in the hospital"

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