16. Corruption

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Reader P. O. V

Yosano didn't come to our shared  hotel room that night.

Was she black out drunk or sleeping over at Naomi's room to avoid me?

I didn't know and frankly I didn't care anymore.

She did me a favor by not coming. Because it has left me plenty of time to think of my next move.

The dark silence surrounding my bed was very good consultant when it came to that.

Many things crossed my mind that night.

From joining some underground mafia or becoming a detective to just straight up finding a sugar daddy.

None of those stuck as long as the memories of the family I had in the Agency.

The hard work I put in just to become a part of it and make something of myself.

Was it worth to lose all of that to shame?

I trun over under the blanket and face my rooms window. The moonlight caressing my tear glazed eyes.

And what was going to happen to Chuuya?

How is he feeling right now?

The moonlight got annoying at this point so I got up and layed my back on the headboard.

There are only two days of the competition left... Looks like Fukazawa isn't willing to kick me out yet and the others can't do anything, except maybe avoid me like the plauge!

I look over at my hands.

If I coward away it will only get worse...

I ball them up into fists.

I'll stick it out ,a least until the competition ends, then I'll decide what I'll do.

By the time it's over I'll be working with more info on what to do anyway.

It's better then running away like a child.

Third person P. O. V

Oh, that lad Mr. Silence!

Look at him dance through the rooms where skaters of the Agency would meet.

He danced so finely causing the skaters to catch their words so they can not speak to the cold faced Y/N.

Leaving them only their eyes to communicate things words would never dare dwell upon...

Reader P. O. V

I nip at the lace on my costume while keeping my eyes on my skates.

Staying on the low was my best bet now. After the glacier frozen shoulders I got from others I needed some alone time to pick myself up again.

I don't need more attraction pullers today!

The buzz of the speaker simmers to me, announcing Chuuya and me as next.

Let's get this over with...

Chuuya P. O. V

"You know the plan?"

I don't agree with the plan...


Mori nodds "Good... "

No it's not!

I nod back when an announcement called out through the arena.

I got up and saw Y/N on the other side of the rink. My eyes followed her closely as I got on the ice.

She looked exhausted, drained... Her smile I loved soo much gone. Ruthlessly not leaving any trace.

All because of what I did yesterday.

And after what I'm about to do today... I doubt I'll ever see it again.

Third person P. O. V

The performance blossoming of feelings you and Chuuya displayed yesterday was dead.

All that was left of it was a shell of tense muscles and pityful eyes.

The music notes got drowned in the shallow sounds of hitting the ice after jumps.

It was all beyond the tendereness of lively moves and exited rhythms.

But don't pay any mind to it...

That's just how sad marionettes  move to the pull of the strings.

Chuuya P. O. V

I skate in a full circle before my eyes catch Mori's.

His brows hardening was a clear sign...

Words of the incantation started to melt under my breath as I moved around.

Red marks began to blaze over my skin.

My moves got precisely harsh and my thoughts replaced with ravenous hunger.

Reader P. O. V

I watch as Chuuya's neck gets a whirly red mark on it.

What the hell is going on?

I cautiously follow along yet he grew stronger. Much stronger!

He was basically tossing me around like a rag doll.

"Chuuya get it together!" I whisper to him when I got near.

Who was I saying this to? This man didn't seem like he could hear me.

              Arahabaki P. O. V

      And that was when I could feel...

               I had lost control....

Third person P. O. V


Your body gets thrown on the ice.

Chuuya's irses gone, replaced with white gawk at you from above.

"Chuuya... "

A beast's beam plastered on his face he skates off, leaving dents in the ice deeper than any made by normal force.

His hands developing large balls of purple the he used to start tossing around.

Yelling like a devil while doing so.


You got up and skated to him. Fear eating your sense raw.


He did hear you and turned around.

But he didn't listen.

Growling he garbed your forearm, squeezing it soo hard the bones crumbled under his touch.

You shriek in pain, not being able to get free of his hold.

"That's it..." was the only sound that passed through your ears.

And the image of Dazai touching Chuuya's neck was the last thing you saw before your consciousness faded.

Skate on the melted ice /Chuuya x reader/Where stories live. Discover now