Chapter 32 -S.

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The city of Drunigor was very impressive. It was made up of thousands of spaces carved into the walls of the mountain. There were bridges, archways, fountains, a waterway that ran through the entire settlement. The cavern which was was thirty-two stories high. It had been carved by the dwarves ages ago when they had first settled. Mighty pillars rose up from the floor of the cavern to the roof, holding up the rest of the mountain lest it collapse on the city.

Drunigor had everything, a market square, plazas, gardens, even hotels, like the one Prince Undelfo had checked his party into. The hotel like many other buildings in Drunigor was a beautiful structure carved from the mountain years ago and beautified and decorated over time.

There were so many dwarves inside this city and life was as normal as Mayu had seen it since she got to this world. Here, it didn't feel like an endless was ongoing. The citizens went about without a care. It was beautiful and peaceful. They argued, laughed, partied, worked and just lived life as it was meant to be lived.

Mayu watched from the window of her hotel room, the normalcy of this place. Carriages went by in the roads, children ran here and there, being mischievous as always, they even had pets here. For now, Mayu smiled. She was safe, she was happy... Then she thought of Klex, that most friendly beast, then of Sunibe, and.........Chidum.

The joy was gone. Worry had returned. The magic of Drunigor wore off as the poor lady's mind went to her comrades from whom she'd been separated. Were they safe? Were they alive? She'd lost a whole party of comrades before; they were all slain, most right before her eyes. She turned away from the window now.

The hotel room was quite sizeable. There was a large mattress on a solid brass frame. There was a large wooden wardrobe for her clothes, two cushioned chairs by a table, a large bathtub in a corner with a cupboard stocked with washing materials. A chest stood at the foot of the bed, it was as wide as the bed and its top had a cushion sewn into it so when closed, it served as a sitting place, or an extension of the bed. A chandelier hung from the ceiling with scented candles in place of light bulbs. On the walls were what looked like cavemen paintings, but they were designed with colours, very thick, very magical, very beautiful. In all, the room was very nice.

Mayu looked her beautiful room over and let out a sigh. She walked to the bed, sat down on the edge and bowed her head.

"I just wanna go home," she murmured.

The door to the room opened and she looked up to see Greyan walk in. The mermaid looked very beautiful with legs. She had pronounced hips which swayed as she walked.

Greyan smiled at Mayu and the latter forced a smile, but the former knew it was forced.

"Worrying about your friends again?" the mermaid asked.

"To be brutally honest, Mayu, they are more likely to be dead than not," came Undelfo's voice from behind Greyan. She had left the door open behind her.

"Please don't say that, Undelfo." Mayu refused to accept it.

The prince walked into the room, past Greyan and up to Mayu.

"Mayu, this is Cyron," he began, standing right before the girl. "You and your friends were attacked and you were saved by someone or something, but if the others were saved also then they would all be with you. We have to learn to accept losing our loved ones in this mad war. It is hard, but it is as it is."

"No. No. No. No. No!" Mayu rejected that possibility. "He is not dead! He said he was going to take me home!" She rose to her feet and walked to the window.

"He can't just leave me," she whispered.

Undelfo wore an expression that combined sadness and confusion. He walked towards the girl, but stopped about three feet from behind her.

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