The woman blinked her eyes a few times, as if processing what was going on.
"¿Sobrinita Mayu?" She asked.
She was wearing a black bun on her head, and was wearing hoop earrings, matching gold necklace, jeans, and a long sleeved flower patterned shirt.
Mayu nodded, speechless, as her aunt pulled her in for a tight hug. Then her aunt began shouting in Spanish to whoever was inside the house that Mayu was back, before dragging her in. Zoe had to slip inside on her own because Mayu's aunt was so focused on Mayu, like she should be after not having seen her niece in years, that she didn't even notice her.
Immediately, a crash was heard from the inside of the house, as a woman came running. She was in her late 60s, yet looked like she was in her early 50s. A beautiful old woman with beautiful loose grey shoulder-length hair and curls, wearing a pair of hummingbird earrings that were blue on one side and purple on the other. Mayu had gifted her those earrings for her 60th birthday years ago!
"¿Mayu?" The woman asked.
"Abuelita, ¡los vine a ver!" Mayu exclaimed, hugging her grandmother. She turned to Zoe. "This is my friend, Zoe."
Zoe waved, not accustomed to the Chilean way of saying hello by kissing each other's right cheek. Mayu's grandmother smiled sweetly.
"Den I weel doo m-eye bes-t too e-speek in In-glitch." She spoke with a noticeable accent.
Mayu's family had always really stressed the importance of communication, so almost everyone knew at least the basics of speaking English.
"Puedo hablar en español si es mas fácil para ti," Zoe suggested with a light accent.
Of course she spoke a little Spanish! She traveled so much, how could she not?
"Yoo doo not hav too, we all espeek a lit-le beet of Ing-glich here, no need too espeack espanich." The grandma said. "My name is Sara, (saa-raa) you can col me Abuelita Sarita if you want it."
"Want too," Mayu corrected her grandmother.
"Yes, sank-you." Abuela Sara said smiling.
Suddenly the door swung open, and two men walked in chatting.
"Hola," they announced. "Regresamos del supermerca—" (Hello, we're back from the supermarke-)
They stopped and stared at Mayu.
"Pero por dios, ¡es Mayu!" A young middle aged short black haired man said. (But for God, it's Mayu!)
Uncle Perdro! Next to him was a slightly overweight old man with grey hair and beard. Abuelito Gabriel, Mayu's grandpa!
Not only did Mayu get to see her grandparents like she had planned, but her aunt and uncle too!
The excitement continued for a while after that. Everyone talked, caught up, made jokes, and laughed. When Mayu introduced Zoe to everyone, however, she thought she caught her family acting a little weird. She could hardly tell, however. After all, they had never met before, right? She pushed it to the back of her mind. Soon, they all ate dinner. Abuela Sara had accidentally dropped a glass cup full of water on the floor when she heard Mayu was there, so she cleaned that up. Soon, Mayu began percieving a nostalgic aroma, one of her favorite foods of all time- Milcao (mil-cow).
It was made entirely of potatoes. Grated raw potatoes, and boiled mashed potatoes, then mixing them together, and little by little squeezing the juice out into a bowl, letting it sit, then quickly dumping it out, leaving thick stuff at the bottom, which you then mixed into the mix along with either butter or oil, and then make to small breads, putting small pieces of cheese in the center, so that when it's done cooking in the oven after 20-30 minutes, the cheese in the center is melted, and delicious. Well, putting cheese in the center was how her family did it, but normally you'd mix in chicharrones, which are pork cracklings.
CYRON (Completed)
FantasyMayu stood there, her heart accelerating as she desperately tried to stay calm. It wasn't working. There were centaurs surrounding her, actual fricking centaurs! And they all wanted to kill her and the group she was with. What was she supposed to do...