"Chapter 11"-S. Special Extra #2

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~Hey guys! Remember last time I explained that me and Sidgal both wrote the next chapter? Well here's HIS version of the next chapter. I'll post the actual real chapter we merged together next time. Please let us both know in the comments below!~

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Mayu was swimming around the massive room she had awoken in. She had gills on the sides of her neck. How had that happened? The poor girl was confused and very scared.

"I need to get out of here," she thought aloud.

She tried the two doors she found, but they were locked. There were no windows and no sound came in from anywhere. It was a strange feeling being inside a biulding underwater. It was weird, but nothing had been normal since Mayu was sucked into that portal.

Suddenly, one of the doors opened. Mayu spun around to face it. There was a merman swimming into the room. The girl's face involuntarily went red as she recognized the merman to be the same one who had kissed her. He was her merman savior.

"You are free to patrol the city, friend," said the merman. He looked no older than twenty. At least by human judgement.

"Where are we? Who are you and how did I get here?" Mayu asked.

"This is the city of Aquira," replied the merman. "My name is Egohon and I do not know how you came to the Sereban ocean, but you fell from the sky and I gave you the breath of the ocean to save your life."

"And you speak English how?" Mayu asked next.

"I judged you were from the world of Earth and this is a commonly spoken tongue there. I hoped you would know one between this, French, Arabic and Spanish for only those can I speak," Egohon replied.

Mayu looked at the merman's torquiose fish tail. It was beautiful. She still had legs. They gave her gills, but no tail? No fair. Then again, she just wanted out of here and nothing more.

"How do I get back to Earth?" she asked.

"Come with me and I shall show you around my palace as we talk," Egohon offered.

"Your palace?" Mayu asked, moving closer to the merman.

"I am nephew to King Speriol of all the waters. My uncle trusted Aquira to me and I can boast that I have handled it better than he expected."

"Then you are a prince?" Mayu asked.

"I was a prince," the merman replied. "Now, I am Lord Prince of Aquira. Welcome to my land and will you grace me with knowledge of your name?"

"Mayu," she replied. "Everyone calls me that and I'm not a royal or anything, but I like to imagine that I'm very important too."

Egohon laughed. Mayu was proud. She had meant to be funny and it had worked. There were other things she had to ask though.

"What about the centaurs who were chasing me?"

"Centaurs?" the Lord prince asked.

"Yeah, big men attached to horse bodies. Wicked, murderous and very strong. One of them grabbed me and flung me and the next thing, I'm falling from the sky."

"Then be happy the gods have saved you," Egohon told her. "I saw no centaur fall with you. You were alone. You must be quite the powerful being, Muya."

"It's Mayu," she corrected.

"Mayu," the merman took correction.

Mayu saw a mermaid swim into the room. She looked timid and scared. Red tail with yellow spots, blue hair which faded into red at the ends and a very beautiful face which would pass for about eighteen.

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