Chapter 2 -W.

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"Wait, you're leaving? For how long?!" Zoe cried.

"I'm not sure," Mayu answered. "I just know that I miss my family. I haven't seen them in five years, you know?"

Zoe sighed.

"No, I don't. My dad died when I was really little, so I don't remember him. And besides, I have the rest of my family right here in California, we're all close." Zoe said, remaking her blond mid back length hair into a side part again.

She was quite short compared to Mayu, standing at about 5'2", which, if she were only a little shorter, would have made her a legal dwarf in the USA. She was quite curvy, and wore a D-Cup. She was, honestly, more of a country gal, but you definitely couldn't tell by the way she was dressed. Cute crop top, and flower patterned jeans.

"True, you're practically glued together." Mayu remarked. "Also, you're uncle Ted keeps mispronouncing my name."

Zoe laughed.

"Well, he has a humor, can you blame him for calling you Mayo?"

"I can, it's insulting to be called beaten eggs and oil!" Mayu laughed, Mayonnaise was made that way, she knew because she had watched her aunt make it once. "Still, it's from the language and tribe of Quechua in Peru," Mayu explained. "So not many people would know of it, much less that's pronounced (M-eye-you). At least... I've never met another Mayu before."

Mayu had long silky chestnut hair that fell to her butt, a C-Cup, and those beautifully enchanting green eyes that you see very rarely. She was curvy, but Zoe won her in that section by a landslide. Still, Mayu stood taller than Zoe at 5'11''. Unlike Zoe, who had beautiful Olive skin with a few pimples, but still managed to look gorgeous, in her own way... Mayu had soft and smooth tan skin, with absolutely no visible pimples. Though sometimes they did show up, usually, they all lived on her back and arms.

"Well I haven't either!" Zoe laughed. "Maya and May are popular, but I've never met another Mayu besides you," she paused. "I'll miss you. Can I at least see you off tomorrow?"

Mayu smiled.

"Of course, my best friend is always welcome to drop me off."

"Great," Zoe said grinning. "Give me your flight info and I'll see you there!"

* * *

      "Argh, what a pain!" Mayu commented. "The airport always gives me a headache, so many people and negative energy floating around from missed tickets and being held back from not having the correct paperwork."

She tugged her suitcase behind her, and wore her medium-sized carry on backpack on her back.

"It's not all that bad though, Mayu." Zoe said smirking.

"Pshh, you only say that because you're used to traveling." Mayu scoffed.

They walked to the check-in counter, and placed the suitcase on the big scale. Mayu filled out an information tag to put on her suitcase. Full name, number, email, and physical address. Just in case the suitcase got lost, and they needed to contact her. Then she pulled out her plane ticket and handed it to the Asian lady behind the counter. She was wearing the typical tight blue uniform. A tight short skirt, vest, and low heels, wearing her black hair in a tight slicked shiny bun. Not one hair out of place.

"That may be true," Zoe said. "But I do get stressed, ya know."

"Pshh, you, stressed about traveling? Nah. It's always come easy to you. You always seem to get the cheapest flights for the most unreasonable dates ever. Zoe, you are the Queen of Traveling! Anyone else would have to do something illegal to get it so easy, yet you don't even break a sweat, and do better than fine."

Zoe flipped her hair and grinned.

"What can I say? I'm The Queen of the Cheats."

"Ma'am?" The Asian lady said from behind the counter. "Your ticket is verified. I need to see your papers now."

She handed Mayu her ticket back.

"Aah, I can't reach. Zoe, can you put these away and hand me the underage permission papers?"

Zoe took the ticket and dug out the papers, handing them to Mayu, who handed them to the lady. She examined them for a while, then handed them back to Mayu, who handed them back to Zoe to put away in her backpack.

"Thank you, ma'am." Mayu said.

The lady placed a large sticker on the suitcase handle, before putting it on the baggage carousel that would take it under the airplane Mayu was going to travel on. But before Mayu could say goodbye to her friend, Zoe handed the lady some papers. Mayu's eyes widened.

"Wait, what's going on?" She asked as the lady examined the plane ticket.

Zoe's eyes shone.

"I'm coming with you, isn't it obvious?"

"Yeah but how-"

"I'm The Queen of the Cheats."

The srtuck a pose grinning as she leaned against the counter, making a peace sign over her face with her right hand over her face.

"But your luggage-"

"Is already checked in." Zoe interrupted her.

Mayu grinned, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You're really something."

* * *

Mayu and Zoe sat on the five hour airplane ride to Houston, watching movies on the iPad or tablet-like devices attached to the back of the seats, reading books, and finally, sleeping. Just a little while before arriving, they looked out the window. They were lucky enough to have traded seats with a couple to have the side seats with the view. It was amazing! When they arrived at the Houston airport, they had a few hours to spare waiting around. So they decided to go for some Mexican food. Their luggage had been sent directly to their destination, so they didn't have to worry about going to pick it up. Though honestly, they were so tired, that as soon as they finished their lettuce, melted cheese, and rice and bean filled burritos, they headed straight for the gate to rest while they waited. It seemed like it took forever! But eventually, they got into the line, and got their boarding passes ready. And as soon as Mayu's bag was checked for liquids, or anything not aloud on the plane, they found their seats. Also lucky to be on the side instead of the middle. After putting Mayu's backpack in an overhead compartment, they buckled their seatbelts, and fell asleep. This was going to be an even longer plane ride. Ten hours to Santiago, Chile.

~Chapter from July 7th, 2018—July 10th, 2018

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