Chapter 9 -S.

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Chidum stepped out form the portal and found himself on top an altar inside a grand temple. The place was lit up by sunlight which came in through the huge glass ceiling above. The pillars were enoromous. There were blue and white tapestries hanging from balconies and blue and white flowers grew out of the floor of the altar. Chidum stepped down from the altar and turned around to see the large stone head of a woman with a symbol on her forehead.

"The goddess, Anel." He said, kissing the back of his hands, then turning them to the stone head in respect.

He took off his backpack and set it on the floor. Then he took out his sword belt and put it around his waist, then straightened out his collapsible bow and strapped it to his back, followed by the quiver of arrows. He took out the armband with a lion head embroidered into it and put it on his upper left arm, then his cloak-cape which he put around his shoulders.

As he rose again, Chidum was a different man. He would blend in here on Cyron, well apart for the black sneakers and black skinny jeans, but people would barely notice those with the weapons on him. He kept his hair down, folded the now empty, long bag which had held his sword and put it inside his backpack, then put the backpack which he now adjusted into a one hand bag and slung across his body.

He let out a sigh, then payed his respect to the goddess, Anel, again, before turning around and walking towards the doors of the hall.

He exited the hall and came out to a hallway filled with people moving back and forth. Most wore red robes, signifying their being worshipers of Anel, but there were others dressed differently. There were also creatures of other races. Chidum could tell apart some fairies, a few dwarves and even one Night-woman with her pale skin.

Chidum couldn't help smiling at the sight. He was home. Well, Earth and Biafra was his home too, but Cyron was something else. It was a beauty. A very dangerous beauty.

Chidum went down the hallway and made turn after turn until he came to the giant, front doors of the temple. He got out and found himself on the large plaza before the temple doors. From out here, one could see the majesty and magnificence of the building. It was enormous and had pillars sticking out of it. Over twelve stories high and covering at least twelve acres, but Chidum knew there were structures bigger than this on Cyron.

He walked to the other end of the plaza and began his descent down the 500 steps leading up to the temple which was seated upon a hill. Below, the half-elf could see a settlement built at the base of the temple's stairs.

"Cyron is beautiful, but this world of ours could sure use elevators." The guy said with a smile as he went down the stairs.

*   *   *

      Chidum was in the settlement below. He didn't know the name of the place, but he knew the High temple of the goddess, Anel, was situated on Unity isle. This was a common ground for all races and warring factions. Here, there was peace, or to put it better, 'those who committed crime here hid their trails very well.'

"One would expect to find elvish patrols in a place like this," Chidum thought aloud as he walked through the wide streets of the settlement.

He came to a stall with a thick and muscular human man behind the counter. The man looked rough and tough and assessed Chidum as he approached.

"A good day to you, friend." Chidum greeted with a smile.

"Your footwear are quite exotic," the man replied. "Doubt I have seen any like them before."

"Thank you, but I seek information." Chidum told the man.

"What information?" The man asked.

"I seek an elf called Lotlien," Chidum stated. "He is a friend and I must find him."

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