Chapter 20 -W.

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    Chidum blinked his eyes, hoping that they had deceived him.

They hadn't.

There was nothing; no one. The forest was empty and eerily silent. Where had everyone gone? He was completely alone. As soon as that weird light and mist had appeared out of nowhere and vanished as it had come, he was alone.


and utterly...


Now this would be the part where he started yelling everyone's names, panicking as he tried to find them. Of course, Chidum didn't do that. They didn't just up and run away, after all. They wouldn't do that. No... something was going on; something weird; something that didn't sit well with him at all. It wouldn't sit well with anyone, really.

'Dammit,' he thought, keeping his guard up as he walked around. 'Mayu had told me she heard a strange noise. Could it have been the cause of everyone's disappearance?" He was deep in thought, when-

"K-KAW!!" Cried a bird.

Chidum flinched, but kept his composure. After a few moments, he decided to call back.


He stayed silent, listening. Would it answer?


He was about to give up on attempting communication when he started hearing something else. A voice. It was sweet and silky sounding, just as soothing as running your fingers through hair that has just been washed, dried, and brushed, but... as a sound instead of a feeling. It was the most peculiar voice ever he'd heard. Sweet, silky, strong, bitter, enticing, and- well... he couldn't tell if the voice was male or female at all. He would try to figure it out, but as soon as he got close to deciphering its sex, some other element in it's tone threw him off.

Suddenly realizing that he had been walking for around 10 minutes with his eyes closed as he followed the direction of the voice, Chidum opened his eyes and stopped walking.

He looked around.

He wasn't in the forest anymore, but standing in the middle of a huge desert plain.

Plain was right. All you could see were a few sharp plants that would leave you limping for months if you stepped on them, and lots of little stiklies that didn't really seem all that dangerous, other than giving you a "boo-boo."

"H-How? I could not have possibly walked as far a distance as this, could I have?" Chidum asked himself out loud.

Suddenly, he stopped. Dead in his tracks as dread washed over him.

Just a little further than where he was currently standing, several bodies were scattered on the ground. If he didn't know better, he would think they were sleeping. However, he did know better.

They were dead.

Forcing his feet to move, he started slowly walking towards them. He knelt down next to one of the bodies.

A girl. One with long chestnut hair which was splayed out around her head like a pillow or a blanket, and beautiful enchanting green eyes which stared up lifelessly. She had not shut them when she died. No... when she was killed.

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