~Flight, Fight, & Five Bodies~

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Kicking off your new year by listening to Kylo practically yelling into the phone in frustration wasn't exactly ideal. You had been first awoken to the sound of him slamming doors and barking orders at people, not bothering to be courteous to the person still curled up in his bed. After several attempts at falling back asleep, you give up and reach over to your phone on the nightstand. Soft clicks follow your fingers tapping across the screen.

You flinch as the bedroom door suddenly flies open. Scowling, your eyes follow Kylo storming through the room. Obviously you weren't upset that he had woken you, but you were angry with the fact that he had barged in despite not knowing you were already awake. Kylo doesn't even bother to look at you as he rips open the closet door and begins to change into his regular clothes quite aggressively.

"Kylo." You say flatly.

He huffs and steps out of the closet, darkened eyes on you as he fiddles with his shirt buttons. "Morning." It was a curt statement.

You sit up and frown at him, "what's going on?"

"Nothing you need to be concerned about. Now get dressed and start packing." He orders dismissively.

"Packing?" You echo incredulously. "How come?"

Kylo gives you a look with a mixture of exasperation and annoyance. "Maybe I'll explain later. We just need to get out of the city." His eyes momentarily flicker over your nude form as you climb out of bed. The two of you had fallen asleep in naked, sweaty heaps last night. "Get dressed."

"Not until you tell me why." You cross your arms, giving him a challenging look.

"You're not very intimidating when you're naked," he shoots back. "Get dressed. Now. I won't ask again."

Just as you open your mouth to retaliate, he flings an oversized shirt in your direction. You catch it with a huff, tugging it over your head. It is followed shortly by a pair of panties whizzing towards you. Kylo's momentary pause from the madness is shattered by the sound of his phone ringing loudly for what must have been the fifth time today. It was a miracle his new phone hadn't exploded from the constant back and forth.

"Fuck!" He exclaims furiously. Kylo turns to you and mouths 'start packing,' before answering the call with a surprisingly calm tone. "No, sir, I'm alone."

Sir? You didn't know if you had ever heard Kylo Ren calling anyone sir. Gnawing on your lip as your curiosity grows, you tag quietly after him. He seemed rather stressed now that he was talking to this 'mystery-caller.' His footsteps echo through the penthouse noisily as he paces to and fro.

"I assure you, sir, she's gone." Kylo presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek. "Yes, I-I'm aware. I thought I could get more information out of her and when I couldn't, I did what you asked." A pause. "A few days ago? No, that was no one of importance. The girl was killed the night you sent your men." He begins to grow visibly frustrated. "I'm aware. No, no, now you're not listening... I don't work for you either.... no, she's dead. Sir, I wouldn't-" Kylo is cut off by the line going dead.

You swallow nervously. "Who was that?"

His angry eyes meet yours. "I thought I told you to start packing." Kylo grits his teeth, closing his eyes to collect himself for just a moment. "Just... go. The same men as last time are going to be here to help us and then we're leaving."

"Leaving where?"

"I have another property outside of the city. Closer to the mountains. You'll like it, it's... charming." Kylo sets his phone down and the moment it leaves his hand, it begins to vibrate on the counter. He lets out a yell of frustration, sending a kick at the cabinet.

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