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You were undeniably sore when you woke up the next morning. What Kylo had done to you, no other man had before. You didn't know what else you were expecting from him. A man like that just had to be good in bed. There had to be a rule for that written down somewhere. It made you giddy just thinking about it.

Truthfully, a part of you was still a little hesitant about your actions. You were a little disgusted with yourself. The way your body had reacted to him was not something you were anticipating the day you woke up strapped to a chair. There was just something about Kylo that drew you to him. Perhaps it was the fact that you had been living such a sheltered life that something like this was bounded to make you excited.

Whatever it was, it could wait for an explanation. For now it was breakfast time. And breakfast time meant seeing Kylo. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you pull on some clean clothes. Surely things would be a little different between you two. A different energy or aura just because of last night's events.

You bite your lip, peering over the railing of the loft. To your surprise, Kylo was not passed out on the couch nor was he lingering around the kitchen. You frown slightly and start down the stairs, careful not to slip on the wood in your socks. The apartment was oddly silent. It was never this quiet, not even when Kylo was working on his laptop. Now it was like a cold, stony tomb.


Maybe he was in the bathroom. You trudge over to the door, yawning rather obnoxiously. If he were here, he would glare at you for being so loud. You gently knock on the door, calling his name softly as not to startle him. No response. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you reach for the door handle and tug it open, peering around the bathroom. No sign of Kylo.

You cross your arms over your chest in confusion. As you turn back around and decide to head back into the kitchen, you spy a hastily written note lying on the countertop. You trail your fingers over the small grooves the pen had made with every flourish. His handwriting was something you had never seen before. It wasn't neat; you hadn't been expecting it to be. The letters curved and looped but they were still legible.

I have something important to take care of.
Be back later. I trust you to make the right

Your heart flutters at the nickname he had even written down for you. 'Sweetheart' and 'doll' coming from his lips just made it even more special. He had called you 'princess' just once and you despised it. It reminded you of Vicrul.

Then you suddenly freeze and realization kicks in. Your eyes scan the note again as if they could be playing tricks on you. Were you dreaming? After all this waiting it was finally happening. Kylo Ren was gone and the only thing left between you and your freedom was a door.

The note flutters to the floor as you drop it. You rush up the stairs, digging through the wardrobe for your shoes. Practically hopping back downstairs as you pull them on, you look around wildly for your purse. That was your only way out of this. That thing held your credit cards, ID, your license; everything that would help you get out of here.

Where was the last place you had seen it? Your gaze rests upon the library. Scurrying over, you crane your neck as you search through the shelves. A big mahogany cabinet was tucked between two of bookshelves. You had seen Kylo digging around in it once before. Just as you reach for the door, a familiar brown leather catches your eye. It was resting on the very top of the cabinet. How the hell were you supposed to reach that?

Devotion |Kylo Ren x Reader|AU|Where stories live. Discover now