~The Assassin~

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Kylo Ren lets out a small sigh of boredom as he lurks on the roof of a parking garage. He leans against the concrete railing and holds his phone between his shoulder and his ear. As the line continues to ring, he fiddles with the gun in his hands. The bullets click as they are loaded carefully into the magazine.

The cold German air stings at his skin, tinting the tip of his nose and his cheeks a light red. Thin streams of breath pass through his lips. They swirl into the grey sky and disappear with every exhale. The breeze was light enough to just barely ruffle his dark hair and clothing, but it slithered its way through the seams of his clothing and raised goosebumps on his skin. Thick grey clouds had shifted in front of the sun a while ago, shielding Kylo from its warm beams.

Cold was the least of Kylo Ren's concerns. His intimidating gaze lifts every few seconds to check on the empty lot beneath him. He had already checked his surroundings upon arrival. No cameras and the only cars around were speckling the other end of the parking lot beneath him.

"Come on," he grumbles impatiently as he snaps the magazine shut and shifts the phone beneath his ear. "Pick up."

"Ren?" A familiar voice finally speaks as the phone is picked up on the opposite line.

"Vicrul." Kylo says flatly.

Brief shuffling can be heard on Vicrul's end before he speaks again. "Where are you right now?"

"Waiting. What's new?" He scoffs and shakes his head before clarifying, "I'm in Germany. Waiting on some guy who tried to run off to Europe. Slippery bastard."

Vicrul chuckles lowly. "What's this one done?"

"Nothing interesting. Just got himself into some shit with a drug cartel. I'm just finishing the job." Kylo replies curtly.

"Hm. Well, hurry up and get the job done. I've got one hell of a customer back here. You're definitely going to want to take this one." Kylo could hear the smile in Vicrul's voice. When that man got excited over a job, it definitely paid well.

Kylo wets his dried lips from the cold European air. As he secures the silencer over the barrel of the gun, he sighs once more and shifts his phone, opting to hold it with his hand. "You know I don't give a damn about the money."

"The money's just a plus, Ren." Vicrul's voice drawls. "Easiest job of our lives or so I've been told."

"By who exactly?" Kylo leans over the railing when he sees a sleek black car approaching in the emptied lot below. "Make it quick. You've got thirty seconds to convince me."

The man laughs. "I only need one word to convince you. A name." He pauses rather dramatically. "Snoke."

Kylo's grip around his phone tightens. "Fuck off. I'll be there tomorrow."

Vicrul's laugh of glee is cut off when Kylo hangs the phone up. He sets it down and casually adjusts his grip on the gun. He raises it and peers over the barrel as the door to the black car swings open. His target comes into view for a split second. That split second was enough time for Kylo to pull the trigger and the man falls back into the car before he can even step out of it. He hears the immediate panic coming from the driver of the car below.

All that fuss. For such an easy kill. How boring. Kylo thinks as he tucks his gun back into the waistband of his pants.

Kylo Ren tugs the door to his sleek little rental car open and ducks inside. He turns the key and the engine springs to life with a steady hum, purring like a cat as the wheel vibrates beneath his hands. Without even so much as a glance back at the life he had taken, the assassin speeds off towards the airport.

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