~National Debut~

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It was strange having a full closet at your kidnapper's home. Once they had all arrived and Kylo even aided you in unpacking them, you hadn't stopped snapping at him but he didn't give in. At least now you weren't being forced to run around in his clothes. That didn't mean it felt right to be wearing these. They came from him for you. Gifts were the last thing you wanted from your captor.

Still, you couldn't help but grow accustomed to this way of life. You used to be terrified to even sit near him and now you could change your clothes without even a second thought to him walking in on you. You didn't care what Kylo Ren thought of you because Kylo Ren didn't care about what he saw. It seemed, to him, you were just another person he could exploit to get what he wanted.

You yawn widely, crossing your arms to keep out the chill. When you woke up you had wrapped yourself in a cardigan. The cold weather was finally settling in over the city and Kylo's studio apartment was anything but warm. You had bothered him about getting fuzzy socks until he finally caved and now you were satisfied. They kept you warm from the cold wooden floors. It also helped that it was entertaining to slide around the studio.

As you slide into the kitchen, Kylo looks up from his breakfast. He had a rather unamused expression on his face. "Are you a child?"

"Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the couch." You give him a cocky smile as you reach over and pluck an orange slice from his plate.

He grumbles and follows you over to the couch. Kylo always watched the news in the mornings. You thought it got boring pretty quickly but he seemed interested enough. With an inaudible click, the TV turns on. Kylo flips through the channels, occasionally glancing at you in annoyance as you steal more of his food. When he finally settles on a news channel, you had snatched at least half of the food from his plate.

You redirect your attention to the TV as the familiar pretty news-anchor appears. Her strawberry blonde hair was swept out of her done-up face and she held a rather serious expression. It was something about a chain of robberies that started in Brooklyn and led all the way down to LA. That seemed rather typical.

"Why do you never leave the house?" You blurt suddenly.

Kylo frowns. "Do you really expect me to leave you here on your own? I can survive without work for years before I ever even have to think about money."

You scowl at him. "I won't go anywhere."

"You're a shitty liar," he rolls his eyes.

Just as you are about to open your mouth, the tune for breaking news comes onto the TV. Kylo lifts his head curiously as the two of you wait in silence.

The news-anchor reappears, intensely staring into the camera. "And now we return with breaking news. Just last week, a baffling case struck an unsuspecting family. A woman in her early twenties went missing right at her door. She disappeared without any trace. The only clue? The front door to the family's home left ajar. Police are monitoring the area nearby and checking any CCTV footage. So far, no suspects or arrests have been made. Darrel Chun is on the scene now. Darrel?"

The perspective switches over to a male reporter standing behind the police tape of your house. It was almost unrecognizable with so many tents, cars, and officers surrounding it. Officers trailing dogs were walking around the tree line in the far back. It was painful to know they were searching in the wrong place.

"Yes, Lisa, as you can see authorities have been on the scene all morning. The parents of the victim say that they believe she is just staying with some friends. The call was made just last night. Both parents have refused to make any other statements. They are simply asking everyone to keep an eye out for this woman—"

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