~Too Many Questions~

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Waking up early in an unfamiliar bed didn't feel real. A soft groan of pain escapes your lips as you lay the back of your hand against your throbbing head. The side-effects of that chloroform were still wearing off, it seemed, and the throb of your hand in the bandages made you wince. You slowly sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes. A sleek black alarm clock on the nightstand closest to you catches your attention.

7:34 AM

You bite your lip. Normally waking up this early was a curse, but perhaps now it was a blessing. Quietly slipping out of bed, you decide to discard your shoes entirely. The only thing on your mind now was making a run for it. Your hand glides along the wooden railing of the banister as you descend the stairs, silently praying that you wouldn't be burdened by creaky steps.

As your feet gently land on the bottom, you give the room a quick scan. There was no sight of the monster. Your heart pounds in your ears as you sneak towards the front door. This was it. Just a few simple locking mechanisms and you were free. Your hand closes around the cold metal of the door handle and you reach up for the first chain to-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Without looking back, you quickly rip the chain to the side and fumble with the next lock. You scream as his arms wrap around your waist once more, lifting you up off of your feet. You writhe in his grasp, thrashing your arms and legs wildly. It was no use against his iron grip.

"Stop fighting." He snaps as he tosses you into a lounge chair.

You stare up at him angrily. He looked so domestic in his loose black pajama pants. The white shirt he wore was stretched over his muscles, giving you a view of them every time he so much as twitched. It also gave you a better view of his inked skin. His burly arms cross over his chest as he returns the glare.

"You can't keep me here forever." You snap.

"I wasn't planning on it, sweetheart." His scowl made him even more intimidating. "Just as long as I need to." He ignores your puzzled expression. "Now get up. You need to eat."

With a huff, you shake your head. "I'm not eating anything that you give me."

Now he was just getting frustrated. He grabs you by the arm and yanks you to your feet. It was as though he couldn't even feel you tugging on his shirt or trying to pull away. He practically tosses you onto a bar stool like a rag-doll.

"What do you want? Cereal? Bagel?"

You don't give him an answer. He glares at you and turns around to dig through his cabinets. Your eyes follow him suspiciously as he pulls out two bowls, a box of cereal, and a carton of milk from the fridge. You could tell how agitated he was by the way he slammed the cabinets and shoved the spoons into the bowls. With a loud scraping sound as porcelain meets granite, he pushes your bowl over the counter. Not bothering to take a seat himself, he leans against the counter on the opposite side of you.



"I said eat." His voice comes out in a low growl as he leans forward. He looked like a panther stalking its prey.

Your lips twitch and with one swing, you push the bowl off the counter. It shatters to pieces on the ground, sending bits of porcelain, cereal, and milk flying all over the place. His fist slamming furiously against the counter causes you to flinch; your little moment was over now.

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