~Bullet Holes~

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A/N- Violence/Blood/Use of firearms

| Kylo's POV |

Kylo groans softly as he begins to stir. He yawns widely, rolling onto his back as the sticky sheets tangle between his legs. He really needed to clean them, especially since he had gone for round two last night. He had first awoken around midnight to find you sprawled out on your back with your tits exposed from the twisted tank top. Kylo had woken you from your deep slumber with wet kisses across your chest and his fingers shoved down your panties. He had made you cum two more times before he was finally satisfied and allowed you to fall back asleep.

With a heavy sigh, he rolls over to face you. Your body was facing him, still nude from your little escapade at midnight. Kylo swallows, eyes scanning your face. It was crushed against the pillow with your messy hair strewn across it. Your swollen lips were parted ever so slightly, allowing your deep, peaceful breaths to escape. Careful not to wake you, Kylo pushes back the blanket and rises from the bed. He leans over the mattress and tugs the blanket back over your shoulders to conceal you from the cold morning air that had invaded the apartment.

Kylo scoops his phone up from the nightstand, gently tugging it off the charger. It turns on with a soft click, revealing to him the row of messages from Vicrul. It was mostly just him going on about some of his more recent jobs, but it was followed up shortly by an invitation for Kylo to meet him at their usual shooting range. He sighs, thumbs flying across the screen that was a bit too small for his massive hands.

As he gets ready for their little meet-up, he is cautious not to make too much noise. After having at least a little bit of coffee and brushing his teeth, Kylo opts to changing in the bathroom to keep quieter. He tugs his shirt over his head, twisting his back towards the mirror to see the damage you had caused. Kylo sniggers at the sight of the red-turned-pink welts etching lines across his skin. Judging by the state of you this morning, his little scratches were nothing compared to you. He licks his lips, remembering the pink and purple love bites he had left splattered across your neck, collarbones, and breasts. The thought of the flecks on your skin made Kylo giddy; he had marked you. Claimed you as his.

Lips twitching, he exits the bathroom now fully clothed. As Kylo fiddles with his watch, he heads into the kitchen for some note paper. He smirks at the thought of writing down his instructions for you. The pen clicks softly as he chews his cheek thoughtfully. Eyes glittering, he begins to imagine returning home to you sprawled out on the bed in one of those new lingerie sets that you still hadn't worn yet. Kylo hums, lowering the pen onto paper.


He turns at once, eyes landing on the top of the stairs. Kylo inhales sharply, trying to ignore the feeling spreading through his chest. You were standing on the loft stairs in nothing but one of his black shirts. It hung down to your upper-thighs, practically swallowing you whole among the inky fabric.

"Go back to sleep, doll." Kylo says flatly, not bothering to hide the smirk tugging at his lips as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.

You tilt your head in confusion. "Where are you going?" Your voice had a rasp to it.

"Out with Vicrul. Don't you worry about it," he purrs as he looks you up and down. "Go back to sleep now, but I want you ready for me when I come home." Kylo bites his lip, mind reeling with ideas. "The lingerie. You know what? Never mind that. I want you completely naked on the couch."

"When are you going to be back?" It was fortunate that sleep was masking the excitement growing in you.

He smirks. "Hm. Soon."

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