~Embers of Rage~

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An hour later, you were surrounded by strangers bringing in garment bags and shoe boxes. Each label was more exquisite and outrageously expensive than the last. It was a little overwhelming to be swarmed by all of these people; it reminded you of your parents hovering over you, trying to get you to make a good impression.

A part of you was horribly nervous about being recognized. That someone on their staff would point at you and say "hey aren't you that vaguely recognizable girl from the news a few weeks ago?" As much as you were concerned about it, Kylo didn't seem to care much. He was on his phone during 90% of the encounter anyways. In the end, he paid them all and sent them on their way.

You stand awkwardly in the middle of the room, unsure of what Kylo wanted from you. He settles himself into the armchair in the corner—he was much too big for it, though—and manages to look up from his phone for a moment to address you.

"Well?" He gestures loosely to the dresses all hanging around you. "Start trying them on and then come out to show me."

You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at him. "You get the final say in my decision?"

Kylo stays quiet. His eyes were already glued back on his phone. You had to take his silence as a resounding yes. You huff and snatch the first garment bag, storming into the closet to get changed. After a few moments of struggling with the layers, you are standing in front of the mirror hanging between the clothes and wincing at your reflection.

"Kylo," you call out. "Kylo, I look like a disco ball. Can I just skip to the next dress?"


"Fucker," you mutter under your breath as you practically waddle back out.

The shards of silver adorning the dress were horribly uncomfortable and terribly itchy. You awkwardly stand before Kylo, expectantly waiting for him to put down his damn phone and pay attention.

When he finally does, he lets out a small "hm." You could see his eyes lightening up with laughter, as well as the small twitch of the corner of his mouth.

"Asshole. I can see you laughing." You grab the next garment bag and drag it back to your little seclusion in the closet.

This process is repeated for what must have been the next half hour. Dress after dress and Kylo was not satisfied with a single one. You couldn't blame him, some of the options certainly were strange. A few made you look like you were going to prom, one made your body proportions look wildly out of shape, and one had a bow on the back that was so large, that you looked more like a Christmas present.

You huff as you strip down and step out of the previous dress. It had been covered in feathers from the waist down and made you look like you had lost a fight with a group of angry chickens. Part of you was sure he had done this on purpose just for a laugh. You rip open the next bag in frustration, only to freeze at the sight of it. Perhaps this time, you had a shot.

Your fingers fumble with the zipper as you race to get it on. There was no way your face wasn't flushed and sweaty from struggling with so much fabric for so long. You manage to get the dress on and patter back out to the bedroom.

Kylo looks up after a few moments. He leans back casually in the armchair, lip curving as he looks you up and down.

"What?" You snap. "What's that reaction? I honestly can't tell because you've been laughing for the past half hour." At his silence you gesture wildly at the dresses strewn across the room. "You bought these, did you not? Because right now I'm pretty sure you closed your eyes and chose on a whim."

Devotion |Kylo Ren x Reader|AU|Where stories live. Discover now