Weird convos

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Hey guys so this chapter will be based off of convos I've had with my friends, I've collected them and wrote them down for this exact reason! And if you like this maybe I'll do more!



"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking

"Word"- Singing in Au


A/S= Author-San

"Okay guys so we're going to be reacting to Deku and his squad" A/S
"Oh no..." Deku said deflating
"What's wrong with your squad Deku?" Kirishima asked
"Couldn't be as bad as ours" sero said know what let's just get strated" A/S

The Dekusquad were chilling Iida's room just chilling till Uraraka sent a TikTok to Iida about him having a boyfriend
"I don't have a boyfriend he's my side hoe you already know you're my main" he said jokingly
She started laughing then said "yay!"
"You know it" he said back jokingly sending her a wink

The dekusquad started laughing
"I remember that," Deku said in between laughs, "me, Tsu and Todoroki were so confused"
"Deku your squad is so weird" Bakugo said
"Oh you're one to talk" Uraraka said

The screen lightened up again but this time it was in the middle of a convo
"It's population control dickwad" Deku said
"Late abortion" Tsu said laughing
"Plus they needed a new breathing whole" Iida piped in
The screen faded with them all laughing

"Can we get some context?" Mina asked
"Oh sure, so they were talking about murder" A/S
silence in the theater
"Okay moving on" A/S

Deku walked into the common room, where the Dekusquad was, holding a bottle with clear liquid in it
"Clear liquid, but don't let it deceive you it's not's vodka"
Then he chugged the bottle

"Deku wtf" Mina said laughing
"I don't know I was bored" he said shrugging
"It's the fact that you weren't even tipsy from that for me" Uraraka said
"Shut up" he said to her playfully
"Okay this one is when you guys had to go online for a while and the Dekusquad was the only one on at the time" A/S
"Wait what about Aizawa?" Denki asked
"He was asleep" A/S

"Wait, y'all don't do your google meets with y'all's microwave?" Uraraka asked
"Nah I do mine with my toaster" Deku said
"I do mine with my oven" Iida said
"Oh sometimes I do mine with my dishwasher" Todoroki said

"I don't know man that was a wack day" Deku said
"How are they more chaotic than us?" Denki asked

Deku burst into Uraraka's room holding a can with a fake label on it
"New to the shelves, "BABY IN A CAN" No more struggling to get pregnant or having such expenses with doctors. Just grab your baby in a can and your ready to go! Baby in a can sold everywhere. Now recommend for children!" He ended with Uraraka bursting out laughing

"Yup okay I'm done I quit" Bakugo said walking out
"Okay...anyway that's all we have for now" A/S

Hey guys sorry for the wait on the chapters I've been trying to get my mental health back in order and it's really been kicking me in the ass right now but I'll try to get more on top of it. Anyway if you liked this chapter I may do another one in the future who knows.

Words 574

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