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So school let out because of the whole corona thing so I may be able to get new chapters in. But it all depends on how much free time I get in between homework. So if you have any requests I would love to hear them because my un-creative ass really needs saving and y'all requesting stuff really helps, and I really do appreciate the requests and feed back from you guys I love hearing what you think. And going back to the 2nd gen chapter if you want me to start a story with those characters I would love to know, again they are probably only gonna be one-shots but hey it's whatever, and I would love to hear what kids you think would make a cute couple. Yes like I said I already have a couple picked out but that probably won't be reveled unless I do a story about them, and some characters I haven't introduced, plus an awesome parent backstory I came up with. (well I think its awesome) Anyway, like always leave your requests in the comments, and if you have a whole story planned out in your head that you want me to add feel free to write it in the comments I will read them.
Okay enough from me
Have a good night/morning whenever it is 
Bye loves  😘💞

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