When he visits

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⚠TodoDeku angst⚠ (Just a little)

⚠Nice bakuhoe⚠



"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San

"Okay guys so this is about if Deku's dad was home and he was an asshole also we have a nice Bakugo" Author said, "Let's get started" 

It started as a normal day, till my dad called saying he was coming to check up on me. Deku narrated. So I walked down to the common rooms with Todoroki with me and walked up to Kacchan, who was cuddling Kirishima. 
"Kacchan my dad said he's  coming to check up on us." I told him
"Oh shit okay how long do we have" He said getting up out of Kirishima's grasp. 
"5 minutes"
"Shit okay," he turned to everyone that was in the room, "No matter what you guys see or hear you can't say anything or Deku will be in deep shit okay?" 
"But why what's so wrong with Deku's dad?" Uraraka asked
"J-just please don't say anything especially you Kirishima and Todoroki."
"Why what are we going to say?" Kirishima asked
"Just promise us you guys won't say anything" Bakugo asked
"We promise" The group said

"I wonder what is so bad about Deku's dad" Kaminari said
"Same and what does it have to do with Kat" Kirishima said


"He's here, come on Kacchan" Deku said walking up to the door with Bakugo. Bakugo grabbed Deku's hand right before the door opened. 
"Hello Father" 
"Hello Mr. Midoriya" 
The boys said when the man walked into the door. 

"Hello boys may I come in?" Mr. Midoriya said
"Of course sir, follow me into the kitchen" Bakugo said walking into the kitchen with Mr. Midoriya. Deku walking behind them, as he passed the class he put his finger to his lips as if saying "Shh". 

"Okay seriously what's wrong with this guy" Aizawa said
"Kacchan you don't think he's...." Midoriya trailed off
As if reading his mind Bakugo responded with, "No! That's stupid why would he do that?"

"So how are things with you two? Getting along well I hope" Midoriya's dad said
"Yes sir everything is going great" Bakugo responded
"Yep father everything is amazing we got a lot of friends and classes are going great, we also are doing hero internships" Midoriya told his father 
"You guys have lots of friends that's great, more people to invite to your wedding." He said with a grin
Class 1-A was shocked. 

"WEDDING!?" The class yelled
"So he is doing what I thought" Midoriya said sadly
"That sick bastard" Bakugo said angrily 
"What Izuku what's he doing?" Todoroki said
"I-I don't w-wanna talk about it j-just watch" Midoriya said

♡With the class♡

"What does he mean wedding?" Mina asked

"Are they getting married?" Hagakure asked
"Were they just playing with us?" Kirishima asked sadly
"Hey you know they wouldn't do that" Kaminari told Kirishima
"Then why are they with us when they are getting married?" Todoroki asked kind of angry

"Come on Todoroki you know Deku wouldn't do that to you" Uraraka said

"You really think that I would play with your feeling like that?" Midoriya asked sadly
Todoroki didn't say anything and just looked down.
"Wow" Midoriya said and got up and moved away from Todoroki, next to Kaminari and Shinsou. 
Kaminari hugged Midoriya while he sat down, "Its okay Midoriya lets just watch the rest" 

The class quieted down when the saw the two boys and the man walking to the door. 
"Okay boys I will check in with you two in a month or too. Take care now" Mr. Midoriya said 
"Bye father"
"Bye sir"

With that the man shut the door and Midoriya broke down. He started sobbing like there was no tomorrow. 
"I don't want to Kacchan, I don't want to get married I love Shoto" He said sobbing into Bakugo's chest
"Shh, I know deku I know he's an asshole," He said patting his head, "Don't worry Deku we'll find a way out of this." 
Todoroki heard deku crying so he made his way over to them. 
"Midoriya what happened?" He asked

Midoriya looked up at him and ran into his arms and cried harder. 

"Come on icy hot I'll explain everything to everyone in the other room" Bakugo said and they started walking into the other room. 
"Bakugo what happened? Why is Midoriya crying?" Iida asked

"Listen just sit down me and Deku will explain everything" He said surprisingly calm

"Kat what's this about you and Midoriya getting married?" Kirishima asked
"You heard that huh? Yeah Deku's dad is making us get married" Bakugo said sadly
"Why would he do that?" Momo asked
"Because he wants us to have strong offspring's, he thinks if me and Kacchan have kids then they'll be powerful" Midoriya said no longer crying

"That bastard!" Aizawa screamed "How dare he use those boys for his own gain!" 
"That's fucked up on so many levels" Shigaraki said
"Now I see why Bakugo was so mad earlier" Uraraka said
Todo feels bad that he thought Midoriya would play with his feelings and didn't bother to ask about it. 

"But two boys can't have kids" Mina said
Midoriya shook his head, "Father knows someone in the UK with a quirk that allows people to have babies. She works in a hospital, mostly use's it for infertile people that can't have kids but want them to have they're DNA. She has worked on gay couples that want to have kids but doesn't have money to adopt. Father wants us to get married after we graduate, he's gonna fly me and Kacchan out to the UK so that we can have powerful offspring's." He told them

"That's so fucked up" Kaminari said
"Yeah man not manly at all" Kirishima said
"Why don't you tell him how you feel?" Uraraka asked
"Because he'll kick him out, disown him and ban him from seeing his mom" Bakugo said
"How do you know that?" Mina asked

"Because he told me that if I ever disobey him that's what he'll do" Midoriya said "Mom is one of the most important people in my life I can't let him take her away from me" 
"Don't worry Deku we'll figure this out just like we always do" Bakugo said hugging Deku
Then it ended

"Aww there wasn't any more?" Toga asked
"Yeah I wanted to see what happened when he told his dad" Mina said
"Well we could always ask the readers," Looks at screen, "Would you like to see a part two let me know in the comments" 
"What is she looking at?" Sero asked looking in the same direction that she was
"Idk man" Kaminari said shrugging while still holding Midoriya, who was now asleep

(Let me know would you like to see what happens if Midoriya's dad finds out about Deku and Bakugo? What will happen with Midoriya and Todoroki? Will they ever make up? Find out next time on 'Wtf am I doing with my life')

(But seriously let me know if you want a part two to this or hell a part two to any of the previous chapters that I've made. Do you want some more TodoDeku angst? Do you want them to break up? Or do you want them to make up? Let me know in the comments)

(1191 Words)

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