Love Triangle

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"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking 


A/S= Author-San 


"Okay I'm not going to explain this one just watch it and see" A/S


I have this problem, you see I have this crush on this guy. And if I were to tell people who it is they would question why I like said guy because we don't really get along. What is his name you might ask. Well he is none other than Katsuki Bakugo.


"WHAT!?" Bakugo yelled while the whole bakusquad laughed.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Bakugo yelled again

"Oh just wait it gets better" A/S


But sadly he doesn't like me. He likes someone else. You wanna know who he likes? He likes Shoto Todoroki.


"WHAT THE FUCK!" Bakugo yelled blushing while Todoroki was slightly blushing

Again the bakusquad was laughing and so was the dekusquad.


It really sucks you know? Liking someone who doesn't like you back. But you know that's just my life you know? Little did I know that this whole time I was staring at him and a special red head was glaring at me. After the bell rang signaling that class was over I heard my name being called behind me. I turned around to see Kirishima calling my name and waving me to fallow him. We stayed in the hallway till the next class bell rang. When it did he picked me up by the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall he leaned in really close to my ear and whispered "Bakugo is mine, so you better stay away from him or else." Then he dropped me and walked to class, I was still shaken up so I sat in the hall for a min or two then slowly walked to class.

TIME SKIP (cuz its class and its boring)

{Bakugo's POV}

I was staring at Icy Hot like I usually do, and I fell that shitty nerd staring at me and it was so fucking annoying, as I was looking at Icy Hot I saw him staring at Deku. Like what the fuck! He's supposed to be staring at me! Not that shitty Deku! So I angerly stomped towards him and dragged him by his wrist out of of the cafeteria into the hallway, pinned him to the wall ans kissed him. He didn't kiss back but instead pushed me then slapped me in the face. Then ran after someone or something so I fallowed.

{Deku's POV}

I saw Kacchan dragging Todoroki-kun I quickly fallowed then because I didn't know if they were gonna fight, bad idea, when I got out there I saw Kacchan and Todoroki-kun kissing, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and cried. After what felt like forever I heard the bathroom door open.

"Midoriya" said a deep voice, so I knew it was Todoroki-kun, a few seconds later i heard, "You Icy Hot bastard, don't run away from me!" and I knew it was my true love , Kacchan. I heard someone softly knock on my stall door.

"Midoriya, it's me Todoroki, can you come out and talk to us please." he said softly. I slowly stood up and walked out of the stall with my head down.

"Hey, Deku look at us...please" Kacchan said. I slowly looked up at them with tears still running down my face.

"Midoriya, can you please tell us why you are crying?"

I took a deep breath and braced myself with all the kinds of reactions that they might have.

"Well, I got really sad 'cause I saw you and Kacchan kissing in the hallway." I said looking down once more.

"So, you were sad because you saw me and Icy Hot kissing in the hallway, meaning that you like one of us" Kacchan said smirking down at me. I stared blushing and stuttering like crazy.

"Is that true Midoriya? Do you like one of us?" I slowly nodded my head still blushing.

"Well which one is it nerd?" I looked up at Kacchan in confusion slightly tilting my head to the side as if saying 'what?'. "I mean which one of us do you like, dumbass" He said a little louder and more aggressively. I raised my small shaking hand and pointed to Kacchan. They both looked at me with a surprised look on there face. Todoroki-kun looked like he wanted to cry and Kacchan was a mixture of embarrassed and anger. I then without letting them speak or saying another word ran out of there.

TIME SKIP (end of the day)

I ended up avoiding Kacchan and Todoroki-kun the rest of the day. When I got home I changed into a big long sleeved pastel green sweater top, with black compression shorts and I put a head band in my hair to keep my floof out of my face. I then hear a knock on my door, not thinking about it, I open it and who do I see but Kacchan and Todoroki-kun. Well fuck.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"We wanted to make a deal, if your interested." Kacchan said.

I was interested so I motioned them to come inside. They sat on the couch and I sat furthest away from them.

"So what's the deal?" I asked.

"Well, we thought that we could see if you're down for it and if you're not that's totally fine and we completely understand." Todoroki-kun said.

I sat up straighter because my interest was peeked.

"We thought that since you like Bakugo and Bakugo likes me and somewhat you, and since I like you and kinda Bakugo, we could make this a 3 way relationship." Todoroki-kun said. "So what do you think about it nerd do you wanna try it out?" Kacchan said. I nodded my head yes and looked up at them with a big smile, they smiled back and the rest of the night consisted of cuddling and watching movies.


{Denki POV}

When I was walking down the hall I saw Kirishima sitting there with his head in his hands, he looked really sad, so me being me I went over to try and cheer him up.

"Hey bro, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"I just got a notification on my phone from Instagram saying that Bakubro is in a relationship with Todoroki and Midoriya." He said.

"And you're sad because...?"

"Because I liked him" He answered sadly. I gave him a sad look, then picked up his face with my hands and kissed him. After a sec or two surprisingly he kissed back. After we pulled away he gave me a big toothy smile and I returned it.

"You know maybe it won't be so hard getting over Bakugo." he said. I blushed then smiled. "Let me walk you home." I said then grabbed his hand and walked him home smiling the whole time. 

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