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⚠TodoDeku angst⚠

⚠Nice Bakugo⚠

⚠Todo & Momo Bashing⚠

WORD- Song


"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'words'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San

(Got impatient and bored so decided to post these two chapters early)

"Okay get ready for more sad shit cuz the readers like to see you guys suffer" 
"What? Oh would you look at that the machine is starting up no time for questions Now React!"

The scene opened to Deku sitting on his balcony holding a white sweater, when he started singing. 
"I still remember the 3rd of December me in your sweater" The scene switched to Todoroki giving Deku his white sweater because Midoriya was shivering, 'You said it looked better on me than it did you...only if you knew how much I liked you, but I watched your eyes as she walks by' It showed Momo walking by the two and Todoroki looking at her with love in his eyes, "What a sight for sore eyes" Todoroki said
"Brighter than a blue sky" Midoriya said sadly he looked down as Todo followed Momo.
'Shes got you memorized, while I die' 

"Todoroki how could you do that to Deku!" Uraraka said 
"Not manly at all bro" Kirishima said shaking his head
W-what but I-" Todoroki began but got cut off by Bakugo
"Shut up icy hot no one wants to hear you" Bakugo said picking up Midoriya who was next to Kaminari and sat down with him on his lap 

Then switched to Midoriya crying n his dorm room, "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even HALF as pretty" He said while a pic of Momo popped up. 
"You gave her your sweater" He said as a flashback popped up with Todo giving Momo his favorite sweater then to Todo telling Mido,
"It's just polyester"
"But you like her better" Midoriya said back as he walked away "I wish I were heather (Momo)" He said as he got into his dorm room. 

It switched to the next day, everyone was in the common room and Todo and Momo were talking to there friends. 'Watched as she stands holding your hand, put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder' He thought as he was shown standing by himself putting his arms around himself, holding in tears. 

"Look Midoriya I-" Momo started
"Shut up" He said coldly

'But how could I hate her? She's such an angel' He thought as she asked if he was okay after getting hurt in training. 'But then again kinda wish she were dead'
Flashes back to when Momo walked by Todo and Mido. 
'As she walks by'
"Quite a sight for sore eyes"
Todo said
"Brighter than a blue sky" Midoriya said sadly 'Shes got you memorized' Midoriya thought as Todo walked away to follow Momo 'while I die'

The scene switched to Midoriya ranting in Bakugo's dorm to him and Kirishima. 
Why would you ever kiss me? 
"I'm not even HALF as pretty" Midoriya said as he was being comforted by Kirishima and Bakugo, "He gave her his sweater 'It's just polyester'" He said mocking Todoroki, "But he likes her better, I wish I were heather" He said breaking down in sobs.

"Don't worry Deku we're here for you" Bakugo said
"Yeah man we got your back" Kirishima said 

The screen flashes through images of Todoroki and Midoriya, them going on dates, them holding hands, them being happy. Then the same images flashed through but this time Deku's face was crossed out. Then with Momo instead of Midoriya. 

'Bitch' Bakugo thought, 'I'm gonna kill him'

It finished with Midoriya walking up the stairs to the roof while singing, "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even HALF as pretty. You gave her your sweater it's just polyester, but you like her better I wish I were..." 
He cut off as he leaned over the edge and began falling. But he was caught, the person pulled him back onto the roof holding him tight. Midoriya looked up and saw Bakugo holding him, and broke down like there was no tomorrow. 

"I really liked him Kacchan" Midoriya said between sobs
"Shh, I know Deku, he's an ass who doesn't deserve you" Bakugo said "Come on let's go get you katsudon" 
"And ice cream?" Midoriya asked sniffling 
"Heh" Bakugo chuckled, "Yeah and ice cream" he said as they both walked towards the door as the screen faded into black. 

"Okay it's over you guys can talk while I get the next universe set up" Author said walking behind the curtains on the balcony
"I can't fucking believe you icy hot" Bakugo said in an angry tone "I let you date Deku, who may I remind you is like my baby brother, and you go and cheat on him with big tits" 
"Look Bakugo I'm sorry-" Todoroki tried to say
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to dick" 
Todoroki walked over to Midoriya, "Midoriya, baby, please I'm sorry" 
"Was that real?" Deku asked, his voice void of any emotions
"What?" Todo asked
"Was. That. Real. You know cheating on me with Momo" Deku said
"I- Well- Yeah...yeah it was real," Todoroki said looking down, "But but I swear it was only a one time thing and it meant nothing" 
"Meant nothing huh?" Deku asked
"Yes yes it meant nothing" Todoroki said hoping that Deku would forgive him
"Well then I guess it's okay" 
"What" Bakugo asked "Deku you're seriously not gonna-" 
Deku put up his hand to silence Bakugo
"Yeah it's okay. I don't care if you fool around with Momo" Deku said
"What?" Todo and Momo asked at the same time
"Yeah cuz why should I care it's not like we're dating anymore right?" Deku said with a sickening smile
"W-what? what do you mean we're not dating?" Todo asked sadly
"Exactly what I said, We. Are. Over. So you can have this back I won't be needing it" Deku said taking off his promise ring and giving it to Todoroki who was staring at it in shock
"Maybe even give it to Momo you seem to like her better, maybe then you'll actually keep your promise" Deku said as he turned around and sat back down next to Bakugo and Kirishima
After a minute Todo finally got up and slowly made his way back to his seat, playing with the promise ring in his hand. 

^Promise Ring^

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^Promise Ring^

(Oof that was sad. Okay let me know in the comments if you would like a part two to Heather. What will happen with Midoriya and Todoroki? Will they get back together? Is Momo and Todoroki going to be together now? Find out next time on 'The sad shit the readers make me write')

(1125 Words)

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