Ghost Deku

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"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking

'Word'-Narrating with a blank screen

'Word'-Deku talking in notebook
(It will make more sense later)


A/S= Author-San

If you are uncomfortable with this please skip this chapter thank you.


"Hey losers" Author-san said walking in front of the group.
"Would you please refrain from calling the student losers Author-san?" All Might said
"No shut up I don't like you" A/S said turning towards him and glaring
All Might sank down in his seat, "Yes Ma'am"
"Good now," A/S turned to the crowed again, "Our next universe is called 'Ghost Deku'"
"It's pretty explanatory so no questions"

'Of all the ways I imagined the end of my life, I never thought it would be by my own hands'

Deku was shown standing on the rooftop of a building, that same damn building that seemed to haunt him. It was raining, more like pouring, and the city was lit up with lights. It almost looked euphoric, what a perfect setting to die in.

'This is it' He thought, as he marked off his very last check list he'd ever make. The list read: Tidy up room, scatter hero notes in river, leave letters for mom and kacchan, say goodbye one last time, leave extra note in bag for police, leave bag and shoes on roof.

'He left a note for me' Bakugo thought already getting sad because he knew where this was going and how it lead up to here.
"This is so sad I don't wanna watch" Uraraka said
"Nothing has even happened yet" Dabi said rolling his eyes at the young girl.

"Alright I guess this is it" Deku said with a sad smile on his face, he took off his bag and shoes and neatly set them next to each other.
He stepped closer to the edge

Looked was a far fall
He stepped off and.....nothing...
Everything went black
Then he felt...weird...
He opened his eyes...?
'What's going on?' He thought
He looked around and saw an ambulance, police cars, a lot of people, and his mom and she was...crying?
"Mom what's wrong?" He tried to ask but when he did it only came out like a whisper in the wind
'why can't I talk?' He wondered as he looked around
That's when he noticed it...the white sheet covering his body, laying in the middle of all the mess.
'Oh...It actually worked...Then why am I still here?'

"Deku-kun don't think like that!" Uraraka said

He wondered around for a while not really knowing what else to do. When he noticed a middle school boy with black hair reading his hero notebook by he river he threw them in.
'I didn't think anyone would find it' He thought
He went up to the boy to see what page he was reading, it was his Crimson Riot page. The kid looked so intrigued in it.
'He must like Crimson Riot' Deku thought

"Aww it's the last thing written in it" The boy with black hair said disappointed he let the book down uncovering his face and it was...

"Since when do you have black hair?" Jirou asked
"Since I was born?" Kirishima said kind of confused
"He dyes his hair red, you extras didn't know that?" Bakugo said
There was a collective of "No" in the room.

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