My R

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WORD- Song


"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'words'- Thinking 


A/S= Author-San 





If not then ENJOY!!!!!!!!


"All right just a heads up this one is kinda sad."

"What do you mean by that Author-San?" Mina asked

"You'll see~"


Just as I was about to take my shoes off, on the rooftop there I see a boy with braided hair here before me, despite myself I go and scream "Hey, don't do it please!" Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way.


"That's very unmanly dude" Kirishima said

"Why does that boy want to die?" Uraraka asked



To be honest, I was somewhat pissed this was an opportunity missed, the boy with braided hair told me his woes "You've probably heard it all before, I really thought that he might be the one but then he told me he was done" This angered me so much that I shouted "For god's sake please! are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me, are you upset cause you can't have what you wanted? you're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!" It then flashed to show a young Midoriya getting picked on and being called names while the teachers did nothing about it.


"Shouldn't have the teachers stepped in!?" Yelled Inko

"Yeah that was super unmanly of then to just let those kids pick on him" Said our sharky boy


"I'm felling better, thank you for listening" The boy with braided hair then disappeared . He started to fade away like sand in the wind. I walked off deciding that today's just not my day.


"Did anyone else notice that the boy looked kind of familiar?" Said one of the girls

All of 1-A nodded as well as the teachers/pros and the moms.

"You know if you just shut up and watch it will all make sense"

Everyone quieted down and watched the 'movie'


"Alright, today's that day!" or so i thought just as I took both of my shoes off. There was but a boy short as can be despite myself I go and scream, the petite boy told me his whose "You've probably heard it all before, everyone ignores me, everyone steals I just don't fit in with anyone here" For god's sake please! are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me, "even so you're still loved by everyone at home there's always dinner waiting on the table, you know!

The scene switched to his mom in a hospital bed, then to him sitting at the table just eating some toast and water.


"So in this universe I'm in the hospital?" Inko asked

"Yeah, you got in a bad car accident so they had to put you in a medical induced coma"


"I'm hungry" said the boy as he shed a tear, the boy short as can be then disappeared. And like that there was someone everyday.

It flashed through to a bunch of green haired boys sitting at the top all of them a little different than the first. I listened to there tail, I made them turn away, and yet there was no one who would do this for me, no way I could let out all this pain.

For the very first time, there I see someone with the same pain as me, having done this time and time again he wore a yellow cardigan, the person turned around to see the same boy that they've been seeing bu this one had black hair and red eyes, "I just wanna stop the scares that grow every time that I go home that's why I came up here instead" that's what the boy in the cardigan said. Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way but in the moment I just screamed something that I did not believe. "Hey, don't do it please!" Ah, what to do? I can't stop this boy, oh this is new for once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew but even so, "please just go away so I can't see your pitiful expression is just too much for me!" "I guess today is just not my day" he looked away from me and then he disappeared.

There's no one here today, I guess it's time It's just me, myself and I


"No don't do it Midoriya/deku/izuku!" the audience shouted


There's no one who can interfere no one to get in my way here, taking off my yellow cardigan, it showed the silhouette of the boy with the yellow cardigan holding hands with Izuku, watching my braids all come undone, the silhouette of the boy with braids holding hands with Izuku, this boy petite boy, short as can be, silhouette of the short boy standing behind him, is gonna jump now and be free.

He then jumped off the roof.


"No Midoriya/Deku/Izuku!" 

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