Aizawa and Mics UA year Youtube chanel

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"This is just a universe/past of Aizawa and Mic years of UA " Emiko-chan said 

Aizawa, Minight, Mic all made an 'oh shit face'

Mic raised his hand " could we skip this world... please " " what did you do Aizawa and mic" Nezu eyes glinted with chaos, " Uh Normal teenager stuff that are responable of students of UA at that time." Mic was lying at this point " I see... Emiko-chan play this world !!!!" Nezu wanted tea and chaos 

" Alright here we go "

{ E/n All these videos are not mine they belong to the crazy creator who has a strange obbession with eggs}

' welp were dead ' 

" what is with the eggs" shiggy asked

" nothing just aizawa needing to throw something ... and what we had was eggs." mic explained to the rest of the theater. 

" if I remeber Oboro helped you with your videos." all might said 

the room got real quiet espially around mic, aizawa, midnight. the students were confused but the teachers who knew and liked, Oboro... was a sensitive subject around these three. 

" let's move on to the next video"  

Todoroki was happy a tea kettle was destoryed and broken 

the class sat there, completly quiet and still " Aizawa-Sensi do you need a therapist " denki asked 

" How are you still alive after drinking that ?!?!?! " RG was shocked that could get her students sick " " to be fair Hizashi only had a sip of it ." Aizawa said " this is why I can't have coffee anymore.." 

"Understood Present Mic" Small might said 

Before the video" oh this looks nice" 

After the video " oh....I see " 

" Aizawa lost his shit on that printer." Denki commented " that is a week of dentention for kaminari anyone else" 

" so who drank the computer ink " RG was going to lose her peaceful mind

{ so I don't know if she was here until this chapter but she was brought here then will be leaving after the chapter }

a moment of silence filled the theater... a few coughs filled the room 

" that would be me " Midnight said 

" and you decided to drink the ink!" 

" yes..." Midnight questioned her life choices when it came to an angry Recovery girl" wait so that week when you had a mask on... that was because of the ink ?!" Vlad kings asked " yeah I guess so 


made this chapter in 2:43 

- emiko chan

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