Harry Potter X BNHA

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^Chapter based off of these videos^



"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'words'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San





Everyone else will just be random characters I decide to put in.

This does not interact with the other Harry Potter crossover this will be a completely different universe.


Author-san walked out from behind the curtain holding her tablet.
"Hey losers I got another universe for you"
"Kat calm down," Kirishima said to his dog- *ahem* Boyfriend, "What's the universe about this time Author-san?"
"So you know the other universe where you all went to a school and were wizards and shit?"

They all collectively nodded.
"Well this is in that same concept but completely different. It'll make more sense when I start it up."
And right when she said that the lights cut out and the screen lit up.

The scene started showing 11 year old Denki and Izuku sitting on a train eating sweets and talking.
"George swears he got a bogey one once," He gestured to the rat that was eating jelly beans, "This is Scabbers by the way, pathetic isn't he?"
Izuku nodded a little, "Just a little but" Then gave a shrug when Denki looked at him.

"Wow that was kinda mean Deku-kun" Uraraka said
"It wasn't actually me, plus I look like a kid in that so..." Then he just shrugged
"Damn Midoriya hating on my rat," Denki said then dramatically acted like he was going to cry, "You wound me"
Deku rolled his eyes

~Scene Switch~

The boys were getting off the train with the other students and a giant blond man was waiting there for them.
"Hi All Might" Deku said
Denki looked up at him, "Whoa"

~Scene Switch~

"Is it going to do that a lot?" Mina asked
"The scene switch? Yeah" A/S

The boys were standing in the great hall with the other students waiting to get sorted when Denki leans over to Deku and says, "Mental that one I'm telling you"
And Deku nods in agreement"

"Who were they talking about?" Tsuyu asked
Author-san shrugged, "Beats me"

~Scene Switch~

The boys were running into class.
"We made it, could you imagine the look in old Fukukado's face if we were late?"
{A/N: For those who don't know that is Ms. Joke}

~Scene Switch~

The boys were shown outside, Deku had a broom in his hand and Denki was yelling at his.
"Up!" He shouted and the broom came up smacked him in the face then fell back down.
Deku started to laugh.
"Shut up Izuku"

BNHA reacts to Deku MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now