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"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San 


"Okay so for this one we will need to bring the villains here because they tie into it."-A/S 
Then a portal opened and the L.O.V walked out, I pointed to seats across the theater and they went and sat down. 
"Okay I won't make you wait that much on this one so lets get into it."-A/S

The screen opened to the battle ground where All Might and AFO fought. Off in the distance we see Midoriya looking like he was gonna cry while staring at the battle.  

"Geese Midoriya calm down, All Might's going to be fine" Kirishima said
"That's not why hes crying"-A/S
"Then why would he be crying"-Kirishima
"Nope not gonna spoil it just watch"-A/S

The scene shifted to show All Might standing over AFO. 
"Your evil deeds end here All For One." All Might said
"You'll never stop me All Might, evil will always prevail!" AFO shouted
All Might gave him a look of disgust before plunging his fist into AFO's chest killing him. 
"NO!" The greenet shouted, then took off running towards AFO. Once he got to him he took his head and placed it in his lap while he cried. "no no no no no no NO!" He repeated
"Midoriya my boy, step away from the villain." All Might said
Izuku looked up at All Might with pure rage in his face.
"YOU! YOU DID THIS," He shouted at him, "YOU KILLED HIM!"
"Young Midoriya just come with me, we'll talk about why you're upset" All Might said slowly inching towards him.
"No! You get away from me!" He shouted as he used One For All and pushed All Might.

The whole theater gasped. Why would Midoriya, someone who has looked up to All Might his whole life, get so mad at him to the point he pushed him away.
"I don't understand," All Might said, "Why is he so mad? Why did he push me away?" 
"All will be reviled soon, just keep watching"-A/S

Midoriya went back to AFO and cried some more while hugging his corps. 
"No, please you can't die. Not like this. Not now" He said sobbing
Soon the authorities showed up and tried to pull the boy away from AFO.
"NO," He thrashed in their grasps, "Put me down! I need to be there with him! I need to see him!" He cried out
"I'm sorry young man, but we can't let you do that. It's too dangerous to be around that area" The officer explained as he pulled him away

Everyone in the theater felt a little bit bad for the greenet boy as he was crying his heart out for this dead villain. 
"I still don't understand why young Midoriya is so upset." All Might said
"Just keep watching its almost over"-A/S

Midoriya kept struggling in the officers arms, the officer called for more of them to help him hold Midoriya down. 
"Let me go! You murderer! You killed him!" Midoriya yelled at All Might, "Papa!"

Then the screen faded to black.
Everyone was staring wide eyed at the screen. 
"He- He was my son?" AFO questioned
"No that's impossible!" All Might said
"All Might calm down. Yes AFO in this universe Midoriya was your son but no one knew except you and him."-A/S
"So hes not actually his dad in our universe?" All Might Questioned
"No hes not, but there are conspiracies about it," A/S, "Among other things" I mumbled 
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing!"-A/S


Sorry it's so short I've been trying to post more but some of the ideas I have are going to take a little more time. As always if you have any requests put them in the comments I would love to hear them. Hope you have an amazing day/night whatever. Bye 👋💕 

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