Wrong time pt.2

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"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'words'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San 

"All right guys this is wrong time part two" 
"Oh no" Midoriya said sweat dropping
"This outta be good" Kirishima said

I was writing in my books when I heard screaming coming from Tokoyami's room so I went to go check on him to make sure he's okay. But when I got there I saw something that I would never forget. 

"Is this going to be another 'I walked in on my friends having sex' again?" Uraraka asked
"Nope just keep watching it's funny" 

It was Mineta tied up in the center of a star symbol that was in the muddle of the floor with candles at the end of each point and Tokoyami was holding a knife while Jirou was holding a book and reading something off of it. 
"What'cha doing?" I asked him kinda scared
"We're sacrificing Mineta so that Shinsou can replace him in class" He responded while Jirou started chanting something in a different language
"Oh okay well have fun!" I said as I turned around to leave
"Wait no Midoriya help m-" Mineta started but got gagged by Tokoyami so he couldn't scream. I just walked out of the room not paying any mind to it. 

"I still have the scar from that" Mineta mumbled
"Oh shit that actually happened" Kaminari said shocked
"Yeah I told you these things that I show you have happened or are happening just some may not be in your universe" 
"I'm surprised that Midoriya just left him there" Uraraka said
"Ehh" Midoriya said shrugging 
"Alright next" 

It showed Deku walking down a dimly lit hallway holding a bottle of lotion and he walked up to a door and opened it. 
"Hey Toga did you use all of my," He paused staring at what he saw, it was Dabi pinning Hawks to the wall by his neck. He just walked out and closed the door saying "That's not Toga" 

"Wait why were you with the villains?" Uraraka asked
"Isn't that when we kidnapped you?" Toga asked putting a finger to her chin
"Yeah I think so" Deku said as if it were nothing
"What!?" "What do you mean kidnapped?" "You got kidnapped and didn't tell anyone?" "And why are you acting so calm about it?" The class and heros screamed
"Cause it wasn't that big of a deal all they did was kidnap me so we could hang out. And I wouldn't really call it kidnapping because I kinda just went with them" Deku responded shrugging
"You What!?" Aizawa said
"Yeah I mean Toga showed up on my balcony and was like 'Hey Deku wanna go hang out?' And I was like 'Sure' So not really kidnapping if I went willingly" 
Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy. 
"Okay next one" 

(I am actually gonna end it here because I ran outta ideas and I wanted to post something for you guys, I will be making a part 3 so stay tuned for that later) 

500 Words

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