Candy Store

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WORD- Song


"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- thinking


A/S= Author-San 

Thanks to @MehtheMug for suggesting this one!!!

Hope you like it!!!!!!💕

"Okay so in this one Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari are a group of girls that are the most popular in the whole school because their parents are rich."-A/S
"Did you say girls?" Asked Mineta
"Yes I did and if you say or even think anything pervy about them I will personally throw you into the sun"-A/S said with a smile 
Mineta shrank down in his seat, "Understood." he whimpered
"Okay lets get this started"-A/S
"Oh and Midoriya is a girl too"-A/S

The scene opened with Bakugo wearing:

The scene opened with Bakugo wearing:

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Kirishima wearing this:

Kirishima wearing this:

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And Kaminari wearing:

And Kaminari wearing:

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Midoriya wearing:

(Yes I know they're not the actual outfits, I wanted them to have a more modern look to them)

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(Yes I know they're not the actual outfits, I wanted them to have a more modern look to them)

"Wow! Look at us! We look so pretty!" Kaminari said
Bakugo and Kirishima agreed

"Are we gonna have a problem?"-Bakugo asked pointing a finger at Deku 
"You got a bone to pick? You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick?" Bakugo asked
"I'd normally slap your face off, and everyone could watch but I'm feeling nice here's some advice, listen up, biatch!"-Bakugo
"I like"-Kiri, Denki
"Looking hot, buying stuff they cannot"-Baku
"I like"-Kiri, Denki
"Drinking hard, maxing out dad's credit card"-Baku
"I like"-Kiri, Denki
"Skipping gym, scaring her," she pointed to Uraraka, "Screwing him" Bakugo said winking at Kiri
"I like"-Kiri, Denki
"Killer cloths, kicking nerds in the nose"-Baku
"If you lack the balls you can go play with dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack"-Baku
"Woah!"-Kiri, Denki
"Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke in my porsha with the quarterback" She said as a picture on Sero popped up.
"Woah! Woah! Honey, whatcha waiting for? Welcome to my candy store it's time to prove you're not a loser anymore. Then step into my candy store"-All(Kiri, Denki, Baku)
"Guys fall"- Denki, Baku
"At your feet, pay the check"-Kiri
"Help you cheat"-Denki
"All you"-All
"Have to do"-Kiri
"Say goodbye to shamoo" Bakugo said pointing to Uraraka
"That freak's"-All
"Not your friend, I can tell in the end"-Denki

Uraraka looked very sad staring at the screen. 
"OMG Uraraka I would never call you that!! I'm sorry!!!!!" Kirishima and Denki said as they bowed at her feet.
"Oh boys," she said looking down at them, "It's okay I know that wasn't you" She said
"Thank you Uraraka" They said in union 
Bakugo also felt bad but he would never admit it.

"If she"-All
"Had your shot"-Denki
"She would leave you to rot"-All
" 'Course if you don't care, fine! Go braid her hair maybe sesame street is on"-Denki
"Or forget that creep"-Denki
"And get in my geep"-Kiri
"Let's go tear up someone's lawn"-Baku
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatcha waiting for? Welcome to my candy store you just gotta prove you're not a pussy anymore, then step into my candy store"-All
"You can join the team"-Baku
"Or you can bitch and moan"-Kiri, Denki
"You can live the dream"-Baku
"Or you can die alone"-Kiri, Denki
"You can fly with eagles"-Kiri
"Or if you prefer"-All

"Keep on testing me"-Baku
"And end up like her"-Kiri and Denki said pointing to Uraraka

"Midoriya, look!" Uraraka said "Sero invited me to his homecoming party this proves he's been thinking about me!"
"Color me stoked"-Deku
"I'm so happy"-Uraraka

"Honey, whatcha waiting fo-"-Kiri
"Shut up shitty hair! Step into my candy store"-Baku

"Woah, oh, oh! It's time for you to prove your not (ohhh-Baku) A lame ass anymore"-Kiri, Denki
"Then step into my candy store, It's my candy store, It's my candy"-All
"It's my candy store, it's my candy, it's my candy, it's my candy store, it's my candy store"-All

The song ends and Bakugo walks up to Deku, "So what do you say? Still wanna join our group?" Bakugo said
"Juts remember you have to leave that loser and never talk to her again" Denki chimed in
"And you have to write us any sort of fake slip whenever we say" Kiri added
Deku looked at them with a amused look
"I'm in" She said

Then the screen faded to black.


"Well, that was something"-A/S
"Let's move on yeah"-A/S 

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