Wrong time

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"This one is a bunch of short stories of all the times Midoriya has walked in at the wrong times"-A/S
"Are all of these true?" Uraraka asked
"Yeah they have all happened in your world"-A/S
"Does this happen often Young Midoriya?" All Might asked his successor(son) 
"More than it should" He said
"Okay lets get started"

{Midoriya's POV}

I was walking to the classroom during lunch because I forgot my notebook on my desk. Too worried about missing lunch I hurried in the classroom without knocking. But was that a big mistake. I saw Mr. Aizawa getting pinned to the wall without a shirt by Present Mic, who was also not wearing a shirt. I just stood wide eyed for about ten seconds before screaming and running out. My notebook not in my mind after that. 
Once I got to the cafeteria I sat down eyes still wide and my mouth agape. 
"Are you okay Deku?" Uraraka asked 
"Huh? Oh y-yeah I'm f-fine. J-just a little s-shaken up t-that's all" I said back 
When I got back to the classroom after lunch I couldn't look at Mr. Aizawa the rest of the day. Thank All Might it is Friday. 

"Wait" Uraraka said, "that happened last week"
"Pfffttt, What!?" Kaminari shouted laughing 
"Yeah again I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa" Midoriya said
"It's fine problem child" He said in a tired voice
"Okay next one"-A/S

I went to go get notes from Kirishima because he said I could borrow his. I was walking towards his dorm room and I knocked but no one answered so I took a peak in, but no one was there and his bag wasn't there either. So I assumed he was in Kacchan's room. Once I got to his dorm room I knocked. After a minute I heard a 'come in'. I opened the door a little and saw a shirtless, sweating Kirishima sitting on Kacchan's bed with the blanket over his torso and a huge, head shaped, lump in his lap. 
"Hey Midobro what can I help you with?" Kirishima asked shakily 
"U-um you said I could borrow your notes....but if this is a bad time I can come back later" I told him
"Oh no I'm f-fine just take my, Ugh, b-bag and you can g-give it, ah~, b-back later" Kirishima said
"Okay..." I said back, then took his bag and walked out. As I shut the door I heard Kirishima say, "Dammit Suki you almost got us caught" 
I realized what that head shaped lump was.
It was Kacchan 😰

"Boys" Aizawa said in a stern voice
"What!" Bakugo screamed, "You fucked in the classroom at least ours was private. And you have no say what I do in my dorm room It's my damn room"
"He has a point Sho" Mic said
"Ugh stupid kids" Aizawa said

I was walking to Todoroki's room for something, once I got close I heard some movement so I thought he was inside. So like usual I just let myself in.
"Hey todo-kun have you seen my-" I stopped what I saw shocked me.
(Todoroki cheating on him!) 
There was a person in there, but it wasn't Todoroki, it was Dabi from the LOV. He was holding Endeavors credit card. 
"What are you-" He cut me off
"You didn't see me here" He said jumping out the window
Nothing else looked like it was missing so I just said "Okay" to no one in particular. Then just continued about my day, not telling anyone what I saw. 

"Midoriya!" Most the class shouted
"What he didn't really take anything of importance and nothing was broken and no one was missing so I didn't really think much of it" He replied
"Wait so you really didn't tell anyone I was there" Dabi asked
"Well no" Midoriya said
"Damn, thanks kid" Dabi said
"No problem"-Deku
"Okay guys that was the last one because I have no ideas for what to write" I said
"What?" Mina asked
"Oh nothing" 

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